NEW FamilyRated Club Offer: BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages & POLYSPORIN® / NOUVELLE Offre Club FamilyRated : Pansements adhésifs de marque BAND-AID® et onguents POLYSPORIN®

Posted by Claire | Friday September 11, 20209 comments
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Ah, the great outdoors! As a parent, how many splinters will I extract, scraped knees will I kiss better, and fishing hook punctures will I patch up? *Spoiler alert*: many. Doctor Mom is on duty around the clock!

I have a very well-stocked first aid kit, and it is packed to the brim with different sizes of bandages and at least two different kinds of wound ointments at all times because you just never know what you will need. We go through a lot of first aid supplies in our house!

I know I'm not alone. We have a fabulous and extremely practical FamilyRated Club offer for you today, where our selected participants will have the opportunity to try one of the following collections (click on any of the links below for more details for each product):

Which collection are you most excited to try? Let us know in the comments, and don't forget to apply for your chance to try these products out for yourself!

Offer open to residents of Canada only until September 16, 2020. Selected members will be contacted during the week of September 21, 2020 via email. Remember to add "[email protected]" to your email address book to ensure that you receive all future communications from us! 

Good luck!

NOTE: All of our shipping partners are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and are taking every measure to ensure all products/packages being handled and shipped out are compliant with health and safety guidelines provided by public health authorities, including updated measures if needed as new information becomes available. This includes ensuring staff are keeping an appropriate distance from each other, keeping staff members home who are sick or have been exposed to a sick person, wearing personal protective gear such as gloves, enforcing regular handwashing, and more.

You must be a FamilyRated member to apply (membership is free). Not all applicants will qualify. FamilyRated is the sole decision maker for who is selected based on eligibility requirements, and reserves the right to disqualify any participant for any reason.



Qui dit vie de famille, dit grand air, aventures, jeux et… petits bobos en tous genres! Comme parent, combien d'échardes, de coupures et de genoux écorchés avez-vous soignés? Si vous avez des enfants aussi intrépides que les miens, la réponse est… beaucoup! Docteure maman est de service 24 heures sur 24!

Vous le devinerez, je possède une trousse de premiers soins bien garnie, qui déborde de pansements et de bandages de tailles différentes, et d’au moins deux types d’onguents. On ne sait jamais ce dont on aura besoin! Chez nous, la trousse de premiers soins n’est jamais bien loin!

Je sais que je ne suis pas la seule. C’est pourquoi nous vous proposons aujourd’hui une offre du club des bancs d’essai FamilyRated des plus utiles. Les participantes sélectionnées auront l’occasion d’essayer l’une des gammes de produits suivantes (cliquez sur les liens pour en savoir plus sur chaque produit) :

Quelle gamme de produits avez-vous le plus hâte d’essayer? Dites-le-nous dans les commentaires, et n’oubliez pas de soumettre votre candidature au banc d’essai!

L’offre est réservée aux résidentes du Canada jusqu'au 16 septembre 2020. Les membres sélectionnées seront contactées par courriel la semaine du 21 septembre 2020. Assurez-vous d’ajouter « [email protected] » à votre carnet d’adresses courriel afin de recevoir toutes nos communications!

Bonne chance!

*Toutes les entreprises de livraison avec lesquelles FamilyRated travaille suivent de près la situation entourant la pandémie de COVID-19 et prennent toutes les mesures nécessaires pour que la manutention et l’expédition des produits et des colis respectent les directives en matière de santé et de sécurité émises par les autorités de santé publique. Au fur et à mesure que la situation évolue, elles mettent en place de nouvelles mesures selon les besoins. Elles s’assurent notamment que les employés gardent une distance suffisante entre eux, rappellent que toute personne malade ou ayant été en contact avec une personne malade doit rester à la maison, demandent au personnel de porter l’équipement de protection nécessaire tel que des gants, imposent le lavage régulier des mains, en plus d’autres mesures.

Vous devez être membre FamilyRated pour vous inscrire (l’inscription est gratuite). Le fait de s’inscrire à cette offre ne garantit pas votre participation. FamilyRated est la seule entité responsable de sélectionner les membres participants à cette offre et se base sur ses propres critères de sélection. FamilyRated se réserve le droit de disqualifier quelque participante que ce soit, peu importe la raison.

More by Claire
More on Health, Parenting, FamilyRated Club

Facebook Comments


on November 05, 2020  Arimasamira  378 said:

I would love to have an opportunity to try them out. With kids, you can’t have enough of them.

on October 03, 2020  Kimberly said:

my daughter has multiple disabilities and falls often, I would definitely use this product.

on September 25, 2020  Tweety0518  273 said:

We always use Band-Aids and Polysporin. It would be great to have in one simple step or one product.

on September 16, 2020  Farrahbash  258 said:

I would love to be chosen and leave a review. My son is 3 and always getting bumps and scratches all over. He's a little rebel.

on September 14, 2020  JohannaNewman88  3,813 said:

Our family uses both products but I really like the convenience factor to have them both together. Also, when I am not there they forget to use an ointment. My family would love to try these.

on September 14, 2020  Tammy said:

I use both also and want my parents to try these new one step bandaids, but what’s the difference between the 3 in 1, the complete, polysporin plus and the one with added pain treatment? I always get the one on the yellow and black tube, which is 3 in 1 and includes pain treatment. Is there a better one? I’m wearing a band aid right now with that exact polysporin smeared under it and applied it to my friends injury several times this weekend from a tube I keep in my purse...

on September 13, 2020  Broken_Bliss  5,652 said:

What a fantastic idea! I always use ointment with my bandages to help cuts heal and it would be so convenient to have the ointment already in the bandages. Band-Aid and Polysporin are the brands that I use most often too!

Thank you for this awesome opportunity Family Rated!

on September 12, 2020  Johanna Newman said:

We always use Band-Aids and Polysporin. It would be great in one simple step/ one product.

on September 11, 2020  Alwaysmamaof4  1,346 said:

Would love to be chosen to try this and leave a review.

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