New Offer on FamilyRated / Nouvelle Offre sur FamilyRated: Knorr
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Facebook Comments
I would love to try this! All of the flavours sound amazing, and if not selected, I will just have to go and pick a few up myself. So exciting!!!! | |
This would be an amazing one to be selected for. Thanks for the opportunity to apply! #TryKnorr #FamilyRated #ChickAdvisor | |
Crossing fingers! | |
Sweet... can't wait to be selected. | |
Would love to try these into the family dinners | |
Cool! Thanks for the opportunity! It would be so fun and tasty to be a part of this round . | |
I'd love to be able to try these! Some nights are just super busy and dinner is a rush. These sounds so tasty! Thanks for the opportunity. #TryKnorr #FamilyRated #ChickAdvisor | |
I would love to win this campaign and try all three, but if I have a choice of one then I defiantly want to try the White Cheddar Broccoli one. #TryKnorr #FamilyRated #ChickAdvisor |