New On The Tube: The Killing

Posted by Siofan | Friday April 1, 20112 comments

So far AMC has us pretty impressed with the shows they've produced. From Mad Men (just renewed for two more seasons of Don Draper!), with it's tightly wound plot and beautiful 1960s styling, to the addictive performances of Breaking Bad, the shows are so well done and all-engrossing. So we're looking forward to a new Sunday night addiction in The Killing.

The premise may sound a bit morbid, a girl goes missing, and those close to her and the case all seem to have their own secrets and motives, while the detective on the case must sort through these in hopes of finding the girl alive. The two-hour premier is this Sunday. Watch the trailer below and tell us if you think the mystery will have you tuning in?

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on April 01, 2011  cathy3087  98 said:

@Lauren: Don't quote me on it but I believe the series is featured around the one story - not a new crime each week.

AMC is usually super original so I'm sure this will be no exception!

on April 01, 2011  LaurenBlair  128 said:

This is totally my kind of show. If I don't get a chance to see it this weekend I'll make sure to catch it online.

I don't get it though, will the entire series be about this one girl? Or is it just another crime show?

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