New Product Review Club Offer: Clorox Decor Canister Disinfecting Wipes
Sunday February 22, 200922 comments

When it comes to cleaning certain household items, admit it: you don't want to use a reusable cloth. Hello, kitchen counter tops and toilet! So when we were approached about Clorox's Disinfecting Wipes for the Product Review Club, it seemed like the perfect solution.
These wipes are a quick and easy way to disinfect anytime, anywhere. The pre-moistened cloths are thick and textured and have a low- streak formula for use on shiny surfaces like glass and mirrors. The decor canisters are cute enough to sit on your counter top and come in 8 stylish designs. The best part is, they kill 99.9% of common household germs. Just flip, pull and wipe.
Well, 100 of you will be flipping, pulling and wiping later this month. Since this is a household item, we are specifically looking for people who like to clean. If you have already signed up for the Product Review Club, you will be receiving an email with further instructions shortly. If you haven't yet, what are you waiting for? Sign up now.