New Product Review Club Offer / Club des bancs d'essai : Becel®

Posted by ChickAdvisor Team | Tuesday April 25, 201777 comments
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Great new offer from a favourite household brand! If you love baking, cooking, and/or spreading, as well as making healthy choices like eating right, this opportunity is right up your alley.

180 Canadian women from our Product Review Club will get the opportunity to try the *NEW* Becel Olive Plus™ Oil Blend: a delicious blend of canola, extra virgin olive and mid-oleic sunflower oils! Each will also receive one of the following Becel® margarine products (in the form of a free coupon):Click on any of the product links above for additional information on your favourite Becel® margarine product. If you'd like to take part in this opportunity to try Becel Olive Plus™ Oil Blend and a Becel® margarine, click the orange banner below to get started!

You have until April 30, 2017 to apply. Selected members will be contacted by email during the week of May 1. Remember to add "[email protected]" to your email address book to ensure that you receive all future communications from us!

For extra consideration make sure you spread the word on social media and remember to include #tryBecel when you post on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Good luck Chicks!

What is the ChickAdvisor Product Review Club? Click here for full eligibility requirements and how to sign up, plus check out this helpful FAQ to boost your chances of qualifying to take part in a testing panel. You must be a ChickAdvisor member to apply (membership is free). Not all applicants will qualify. ChickAdvisor is the sole decision maker for who is selected based on eligibility requirements, and reserves the right to disqualify any participant for any reason.



Voici une offre fantastique d'une de nos marques de cuisine préférées ! Si vous aimez cuisiner, faire de la pâtisserie et/ou tartiner, tout en faisant attention à votre santé, cette opportunité est parfaite pour vous !

180 femmes canadiennes, membres du Club des bancs d'essai, auront la chance de tester le *NOUVEAU* Mélange d’huiles Becel Olive PlusMC: une délicieuse mixture d'huile de canola, d'huile d'olive extra vierge et d'huile de tournesol mi-oléique! Vous recevrez aussi l'une des margarines Becel® suivantes (sous forme de coupon gratuit):Cliquez sur l'un des liens ci-dessus pour obtenir davantage d'informations sur votre margarine Becel® préférée. Puis, cliquez sur la bannière orange ci-dessous si vous désirez tester le mélange d’huiles Becel Olive PlusMC ainsi qu'une margarine Becel®!

Vous avez jusqu'au 30 avril 2017 pour vous inscrire. Les candidats sélectionnés pour cette offre seront contactés par courriel au cours de la semaine du 1 mai. Assurez-vous d'ajouter "[email protected]" à votre carnet d'adresses afin de ne manquer aucune de nos communications!

Pour davantage de considération, assurez-vous de faire passer le message sur les réseaux sociaux et n’oubliez pas d’inclure #tryBecel quand vous partagez sur Twitter, Instagram et Facebook. Bonne chance les Chicks !

Qu’est-ce que le Club des bancs d’essai de ChickAdvisor?? Cliquez ici pour connaître les conditions de participation et la procédure pour vous inscrire. Visitez la FAQ pour savoir comment augmenter vos chances d’être choisie. Vous devez être membre de ChickAdvisor pour remplir le formulaire (l’adhésion est gratuite). Ce ne sont pas toutes les participantes qui se qualifieront. ChickAdvisor est responsable du choix des participantes et se réserve le droit de disqualifier quiconque pour tout motif.

More by ChickAdvisor Team
More on Product Review Club, Food

Facebook Comments


on May 02, 2017  HeatherLR  14,170 said:

I would love a chance to try these products!

on May 02, 2017  jennmarieh  4,707 said:

This looks amazing!

on April 30, 2017  krysten26  19,018 said:

I have tried Becel Olive Oil and I absolutely love it!! i would love to try the Vegan Olive Oil. thank you for the opporunity! #trybecel #ChickAdvisor

on April 29, 2017  Mica1416  1,359 said:


on April 29, 2017  Mica1416  1,359 said:

I love Becel and it would be awesome to try one of these products and review it !

on April 29, 2017  Gaylene  158 said:

I have used the buttery Becel since it came out. I absolutely love it! To me it tastes just like butter. I haven't used butter since I discovered this Becel! I love that unlike butter, it's always cold and ready to easily spread.

on April 28, 2017  jmca  9,275 said:

Definitely applied. I love Becel

on April 28, 2017  krysten26  19,018 said:

We only use Becel, love their products. I would LOVE to try their new Olive Oil. I hope I get selected to try their new products and do reviews on it.

on April 27, 2017  Tpynn  3,168 said:

Can't wait to see if I get to try this product!

on April 26, 2017  mariche  660 said:

I hope I'll have the chance to try these products. Becel is a great company!

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