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New Product Review Club Offer / Club des bancs d'essai : Canada Dry Club Soda Orange-Mandarin

Posted by Julie | Monday February 27, 201726 comments
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Canada Dry Club Soda expands its family of popular beverages (including ChickAdvisor favorite Lemon-Lime Club Soda) by introducing a NEW Orange-Mandarin flavour!

Here are just a few of many reasons why you'll love Canada Dry Club Soda Orange-Mandarin:
  • low in sodium
  • naturally flavoured with orange and mandarin
  • zero calories
  • unsweetened
Interested in being one of 200 lucky Product Review Club members who will try Canada Dry Club Soda Orange-Mandarin? As they say, "it's a tough job..." ;)

Click the orange banner below before March 12, 2017 to apply! If you're a man and would like to apply for the men's experience with Canada Dry Club Soda, click this link to apply on our brother site XYStuff.com

Offer open to Canadian residents only. Selected members will be contacted by email the week of March 13, 2017. Remember to add "[email protected]" to your email address book to ensure that you receive all future communications from us! 
For extra consideration, help us share this opportunity on social media and remember to include #CanadaDryOrangeMandarin.

Good luck Chicks!

What is the ChickAdvisor Product Review Club? Click here for full eligibility requirements and how to sign up, plus check out this helpful FAQ to boost your chances of qualifying to take part in a testing panel. You must be a ChickAdvisor member to apply (membership is free). Not all applicants will qualify. ChickAdvisor is the sole decision maker for who is selected based on eligibility requirements, and reserves the right to disqualify any participant for any reason.


Canada Dry Soda Club agrandit sa famille de breuvages (comportant déjà l'un des favoris de nos membres, le Soda Club Citron-Lime) avec la venue de leur NOUVELLE saveur d'Orange-Mandarine!

Voici quelques unes des nombreuses raisons qui feront de vous un adepte du Soda Club Orange-Mandarine de Canada Dry:
  • faible en sodium
  • naturellement aromatisé d'orange et de mandarine
  • sans calories
  • non sucré
Intéressé à être l'un des 200 membres du Club des bancs d'essai qui auront le plaisir de goûter auSoda Club Orange-Mandarine de Canada Dry?

Cliquez simplement sur la bannière ci-dessous pour vous inscrire avant le 12 mars 2017 pour être sélectionné ! Messieurs, si vous désirez profiter de notre offre pour hommes, cliquez sur ce lien pour vous inscrire sur notre site partenaire XYStuff.com.

Cette offre s'adresse aux résidents canadiens seulement. Les membres sélectionnés pour cette opportunité seront contactés par courriel dans la semaine du 13 mars 2017. Assurez vous d'ajouter "[email protected]" à votre carnet d'adresses afin de ne manquer aucune de nos communicatons futures! 

Aidez-nous à partager cette opportunité en la publiant sur les réseaux sociaux avec le mot-clic #CanadaDryOrangeMandarin.

Bonne chance les Chicks!

Qu’est-ce que le Club des bancs d’essai de ChickAdvisor?? Cliquez ici pour obtenir les conditions de participation et la procédure pour vous inscrire. Consultez également cette FAQ pour savoir comment augmenter vos chances de faire partie de notre panel de sélection. Vous devez être membre de ChickAdvisor pour postuler (l’adhésion est gratuite). Tous les candidats ne seront pas admissibles. ChickAdvisor se réserve le droit de choisir les participants en fonction des critères d'admissibilité, et de disqualifier tout participant pour une raison quelconque

More by Julie
More on Product Review Club, Drinks, Food

Facebook Comments


on February 28, 2017  Bunnyguts  3,619 said:

Would love to try this one out, I'm trying to cut out cola and am only drinking favoured carbonated water.

on February 28, 2017  kelx  23,512 said:

This one would be very nice too test out! I love anything oranges/mandarin flavour! And not too mention the carbonated action of those 2 combinated would be very nice! @Chickadvisor @CanadaDry

on February 28, 2017  tarynslawter  4,425 said:

this sounds so good i hope i get chosen to try it

on February 28, 2017  Tweets77  4,491 said:

So excited to have the chance to try this new product!

on February 28, 2017  OceanSunrise  74,757 said:

#CanadaDryOrangeMandarin sounds like such a refreshing flavour duo. Flavoured carbonated water is such a versatile beverage that is perfect on its own or used to add a punch of flavour and fizz to mixed drinks. Thanks @ChickAdvisor for another fab #productreviewclub offer. You guys are rockin' 2017! #ChickAdvisor

on February 27, 2017  mars  10,197 said:

Love to try some #CanadaDryOrangeMandarin

on February 27, 2017  jmca  9,275 said:

Looking forward to the opportunity.

on February 27, 2017  angel7  2,138 said:

on February 27, 2017  RebelGrl78  3,566 said:

yummy I hope to apply to this incredible offer of chickadvisor No cal is the hottest thing for me and my friends Loving club soda!!!!!!


on February 27, 2017  danaorgnero  26,294 said:

Yum! Love the sound of this!

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