New Product Review Club Offer / Club des bancs d'essai : Knorr Selects

Posted by Jennifer | Tuesday April 4, 201739 comments
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Hey Chicks!

Whether you're on the run with little time to make dinner, or looking to add a little variety at meal-time, Knorr Selects have got you covered. They're made with real ingredients, packed full of real taste, and contain no artificial flavours or preservatives -- and they're also gluten-free.

We're giving 180 Canadian women the chance to try one of the three following selections of Knorr Selects:

1. Knorr Selects Spinach & Artichoke Rice
    Knorr Selects Four Cheese Risotto

2. Knorr Selects Rustic Mexican Rice & Beans
    Knorr Selects White Cheddar & Broccoli Rice

3. Knorr Selects Asiago Cheese and Black Pepper Rice

Hurry on over to ChickAdvisor before April 16, 2017 for your chance to dig in to one of these tasty side dishes.

Selected members will be contacted by email during the week of April 17, 2017. Remember to add "[email protected]" to your email address book to ensure that you receive all future communications from us!

For extra consideration make sure you spread the word on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. 

Good luck Chicks!

What is the ChickAdvisor Product Review Club? Click here for full eligibility requirements and how to sign up, plus check out this helpful FAQ to boost your chances of qualifying to take part in a testing panel. You must be a ChickAdvisor member to apply (membership is free). Not all applicants will qualify. ChickAdvisor is the sole decision maker for who is selected based on eligibility requirements, and reserves the right to disqualify any participant for any reason.



Coucou les Chicks ! 

Que ce soit pour gagner du temps au moment de préparer le souper ou pour ajouter un peu de variété à vos repas, Knorr Selects s'en charge pour vous. Les accompagnements sont à base de vrais ingrédients, emballés avec toute leur saveur et sans arômes artificielles ni conservateurs - et ils sont aussi sans gluten. 

Nous donnons la chance à 180 femmes canadiennes d'essayer une des trois sélections suivantes de Knorr Selects :

1. Knorr Selects Riz aux Épinards et Artichauts
    Knorr Selects Risotto aux quatre fromages

2. Knorr Selects Riz Mexicain Rustique et Haricots Rouges
    Knorr Selects Riz au Cheddar Blanc et Broccoli

3. Knorr Selects Riz à l'Asiago et au poivre noir concassé

Rendez-vous sur ChickAdvisor avant le 16 avril 2017 pour avoir la chance de goûter l'un de ses savoureux accompagnements !

Les membres sélectionnés seront contactés par email pendant la semaine du 17 Avril 2017. N'oubliez pas d'ajouter "[email protected]" à votre carnet de courriels pour être sûre de recevoir toute communication de notre part !
Pour plus de considération, n'hésitez pas à faire passer le message sur Twitter, Instagram et Facebook.

Bonne Chance les Chicks !

Qu’est-ce que le Club des bancs d’essai de ChickAdvisor?? Cliquez ici pour obtenir les conditions de participation et la procédure pour vous inscrire. Consultez également cette FAQ pour savoir comment augmenter vos chances de faire partie de notre panel de sélection. Vous devez être membre de ChickAdvisor pour postuler (l’adhésion est gratuite). Tous les candidats ne seront pas admissibles. ChickAdvisor se réserve le droit de choisir les participants en fonction des critères d'admissibilité, et de disqualifier tout participant pour une raison quelconque.

More by Jennifer
More on Product Review Club, Food

Facebook Comments


on April 06, 2017  sosoboso  173 said:

All of these flavors sounds delicious! I love Knorr products!! We often purchase Knorr Sidekicks in our house, trying a new Knorr product would be great! Its the easiest meal for the family, we all enjoy eating it.

on April 06, 2017  MommaA  2,049 said:

These sides sound very tasty! We always have Knorr Sidekicks in the pantry and I would love to try these flavours!

on April 05, 2017  wonderwhatif  86,334 said:

Always ready to try out some new food products in our household! Good luck all.

on April 04, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

I am also on the go, these are a staple in my house!

on April 04, 2017  wendyroy  25,308 said:

Knorr has relly been upping their game. I rarely bought anything except their bouillon cubes, but lately, thanks to their coupon, I have been buying something almost every shop!

on April 04, 2017  Tonya1616  579 said:

Would love to try these products out, always trying to find fast and easy ways to make meals for my family. Time is so precious!

on April 04, 2017  Gitty99  5,558 said:

Love to try these, with my husband and I both working, anything that helps us make a quick, tasty and healthy meal is great!

on April 04, 2017  mars  10,197 said:

Love to try some Knorr Select

on April 04, 2017  Winslow  18,973 said:

These look delic! Would love to incorporate in my busy dinner preps!

on April 04, 2017  yukkie  532 said:

Extra excited about this one because my family goes thru Uncle Ben's bistro like there's no tomorrow.

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