NEW Product Review Club® Offer / NOUVELLE Offre Club des bancs d'essai: Joico HydraSplash

Posted by ChickAdvisor Team | Tuesday January 14, 202023 comments
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Winter is the season where I'm in a constant state of dryness. From braving the outdoor elements to cranking up the furnace, everything from head-to-toe is left feeling drier than the Sahara. While I have moisturizer within arm's reach everywhere I go,  my hair is usually left behind as I don't have time to maintain it once I leave the house. So, it's imperative that I find the right hydrating products when I wash and style my hair to make sure it receives the TLC it needs without weighing it down in the process. 

If you're like me, Joico HydraSplash is the solution for you! These products are designed to provide targeted moisture to dry, fine-to-medium hair. Each product has its own unique, lightweight formula that delivers a healthy dose of hydration without the weight, leaving behind hair that feels light, bouncy, and healthy.

Members will have the chance to experience the entire Joico HydraSplash range for themselves, including:

Click on any of the product links above to learn more about and then click the button below to apply before January 20, 2020 for a chance to be one of our advocates.

Offer open to residents of Canada only. Selected members will be contacted during the week of January 21, 2020 via email. Remember to add "[email protected]" to your email address book to ensure that you receive all future communications from us! 

Good luck Chicks!

You must be a ChickAdvisor member to apply (membership is free). Not all applicants will qualify. ChickAdvisor is the sole decision maker for who is selected based on eligibility requirements, and reserves the right to disqualify any participant for any reason.


En hiver, les conditions extérieures extrêmes et les températures intérieures plus chaudes me causent constamment des problèmes de sécheresse. De la tête aux pieds, je me sens plus sèche que le Sahara! J’hydrate ma peau sans cesse, mais mes cheveux paient le prix dès que je sors de la maison, d’où l’importance de trouver de bons produits hydratants à utiliser sous la douche et pour les coiffer, afin qu’ils reçoivent tout l’amour et les soins dont ils ont besoin, sans les alourdir, évidemment.

Si vous êtes comme moi, Joico HydraSplash est la gamme de soins capillaires qu’il vous faut! Ces produits sont conçus pour procurer une hydratation bien ciblée aux cheveux secs fins à moyennement épais. Leur formule unique et légère apporte une dose d’hydratation qui n’alourdit pas les cheveux, mais les laisse plutôt légers et rebondissants, pour une chevelure d’allure saine.

Les membres du club qui seront sélectionnées pour prendre part à ce banc d’essai auront l’occasion d’essayer la gamme Joico HydraSplash complète, dont :

Cliquez sur le lien du produit de votre choix pour en apprendre davantage et appuyez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour soumettre votre candidature avant le 20 janvier 2020 et courir la chance d’être choisie pour tester cette gamme de produits.

L’offre est réservée aux résidents canadiens. Les membres sélectionnés seront contactés par courriel durant la semaine du 21 janvier 2020. Assurez-vous d’ajouter « [email protected] » à votre carnet d’adresses afin de ne manquer aucune de nos communications futures! 

Bonne chance!

Vous devez être membre ChickAdvisor pour vous inscrire (l'inscription est gratuite). Le fait de s'inscrire à cette offre ne garantit pas votre participation. ChickAdvisor est la seule entité responsable de sélectionner les membres participants à cette offre et se base sur ses propres critères de sélection. ChickAdvisor se réserve le droit de disqualifier quelque participant que ce soit, peu importe la raison.

More by ChickAdvisor Team
More on Hair, Product Review Club

Facebook Comments


on March 02, 2020  henam  3,270 said:

sad i missed out on this one :(

on February 04, 2020  Christine Kempt  4,500 said:

This would be amazing to try. My hair can use the help. Thanks for the opportunity!

on January 21, 2020  Fairouze  2,421 said:

I would so badly to try that i need it so badly , i reternud from my vacation and my hair it’s so dryyyyy because of the sea 😭😭😭

on January 21, 2020  carr_rey  993 said:

This looks like a great product. Would love to try on my super dry and damaged hair. Thanks for the chance.

on January 18, 2020  Cindysname  543 said:

I accumulate so much static and frizz from winters dryness. It would be so nice to be able to control it.

on January 17, 2020  lamurap  13,926 said:

I would be thrilled to try out these Joico haircare products. My hair certainly needs it at this time of the year.
Thank you for the opportunity!

on January 17, 2020  goldenkagi  6,338 said:

Thanks for the opportunity! My hair needs all the help it can get.

on January 16, 2020  NanaBear4  258 said:

I've never tried these products before and they sound like the perfect thing to liven up my dreary hair! I look forward to the chance of trying it out!

on January 15, 2020  Headrush  183 said:

Would love to try this!Winter is making my hair so brittle it keeps breaking😣

on January 15, 2020  briannac64  1,003 said:

I absolutely love Joico products and my hair is always dry!!! I would love to try these out!

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