New Product Review Club Offer / Nouvelle Offre du Club des bancs d'essai: Tetley

Posted by ChickAdvisor Team | Wednesday September 19, 201830 comments
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Tea - the ultimate comfort beverage! Whether you drink it with milk and sugar, honey and lemon, or just enjoy it clear, it's the perfect pick-me-up at any time of the day.

Did you know that Tetley Super Teas are Canada’s first line of teas to be fortified with vitamins and minerals? (Now you do! You're welcome.) Each tea pairs delicious flavour with beneficial ingredients to get the most out of each cup. Select Product Review Club® members will get a chance to try ALL three exciting new Tetley combinations:
Click on any of the flavours above to learn more! With all those benefits, wouldn't you love to sit back, relax, and enjoy a delicious cup of Tetley Super Tea?

Offer open to Canadian residents only. Selected members will be contacted by email the week of September 30, 2018. Remember to add "[email protected]" to your email address book to ensure that you receive all future communications from us!

For extra consideration, help us share this opportunity on social media and remember to include #TetleySuperTeas.

Good luck Chicks!

You must be a ChickAdvisor member to apply (membership is free). Not all applicants will qualify. ChickAdvisor is the sole decision maker for who is selected based on eligibility requirements, and reserves the right to disqualify any participant for any reason.



Le thé… la boisson réconfortante par excellence! Que vous le preniez avec du lait et du sucre, du miel et du citron, ou sans rien y ajouter, le thé se déguste à tout moment de la journée.

Saviez-vous que les Super Infusions Tetley constituent la première gamme de thés enrichis de vitamines et de minéraux? Chacun des thés de cette nouvelle gamme combine saveur délicieuse et ingrédients naturels pour vous offrir un max de bienfaits dans chaque tasse. Les membres de ChickAdvisor sélectionnés pour participer à ce programme du Club des bancs d’essai auront la chance de goûter aux trois nouvelles combinaisons d’infusions de Tetley : 
Pour plus d’info, cliquez sur l’une des saveurs de thé ou de tisane ci-dessus. Avec tous ces bienfaits à portée de main, il ne reste plus qu’à vous installer confortablement pour savourer le moment présent en dégustant votre tasse de Super Infusion Tetley.

Cette offre est réservée aux résidents canadiens. Les membres sélectionnés seront contactés par courriel au cours de la semaine du 30 septembre 2018. Assurez-vous d’ajouter « [email protected] » à votre carnet d’adresses courriel afin de ne manquer aucune communication de notre part!

Aidez-nous à partager cette offre sur les réseaux sociaux en prenant soin d’inclure le mot-clic #TetleySuperTeas.

Bonne chance!

Vous devez être membre de ChickAdvisor pour postuler (l’adhésion est gratuite). Tous les candidats ne seront pas admissibles. ChickAdvisor se réserve le droit de choisir les participants en fonction des critères d’admissibilité, et de disqualifier tout participant pour une raison quelconque.

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More on Health, Product Review Club, Drinks

Facebook Comments


on October 29, 2018  Tereesa  1,174 said:

The three different tetly tea flavors I got was enjoyable, especially with the cold weather begin here now. I really appreciate the opportunity to experience the new flavors which have a great taste for me. I really think that I was in need of the super green boost, super herbal immune and super antiox all new flavors and very lovely! Thank you!
#TetleySuperTeas #ProductReviewClub #Chickadvisor #gotitfree

on October 13, 2018  Sanaasim  3,413 said:

I wish I can get this box too because I’m a big fan of tea

on September 21, 2018  Sophieyia  903 said:

What a cool opportunity! I would love to try these teas.

on September 20, 2018  CaroGomez81  16,892 said:

Perfect for the upcoming season!

on September 20, 2018  AmandaCurrie5411  1,879 said:

Yum flavored tea!!!! Sign me up! Good luck everyone!

on September 19, 2018  christinekitty  10,567 said:

OMGGGG I love flavoured tea!!! this is so exciting!!

on September 19, 2018  hayleylynnmartin  2,413 said:

i am a huge lover of tea! drink many every day! would loooooove the chance to try these delicious teas from tetley :) #tetleysuperteas

on September 19, 2018  agentnum2  2,761 said:

look like there is lots of competition for the tea! I hope no one spills it

on September 19, 2018  OceanSunrise  74,757 said:

These #TetleySuperTeas are just what I need; especially with the cooler days that are upon us. My daily cup of tea is always a soothing experience that I look forward to. Thank you @ChickAdvisor and @TetleyCanada for this exciting #productreviewclub offer! ;-)

on September 19, 2018  agentnum2  2,761 said:

please me!

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