Old Tee Makeovers Part 3: Cute DIY Crop Tee with Bows

Posted by Alexandra C. | Wednesday August 8, 201214 comments

Continuing our series of cute tee makeovers, this week I'm showing you my favourite DIY tee I've done so far. It's also the most time consuming and requires quite a few items, but I think when you see the results, you'll agree that it's worth it! 

This DIY can be done with an oversized or a fitted tee. You'll just need to omit/add some steps to get it just right (but we'll talk more about that later). You'll also need a good pair of fabric scissors. You can use regular ones as well, but your cuts won't be as clean. I'm going to be jazzing up this tee with a few bows as well. If you want to do the same, you'll need some ribbon and if you're extra crafty a needle and thread (if you're on the lazier side like myself, you can make do without). 

Let's get started! 

Step #1: Cut off the neckline hem

Step #2: Trace a line down the middle of the t-shirt back and then trace lines horizontally down the back at regular intervals. I drew a line about 4 inches long and about every 6 inches down the back. Of course, how you trace the lines will depend on the size of your t-shirt. 

Step #3: Folding only the back of the t-shirt down the vertical line, cut a slit along the horizontal lines that you drew. (See Step #4 for example) 

Step #5: Continue doing so until you have slits all the way down the back, along each line you drew. If you like the way your tee fits already then stop here. If you are using an oversized tee, continue on to Step #6. If you want to take off your sleeves, skip ahead to Step #7. 

Step #6: My tee was pretty oversized so I decided to cut it off into more of a crop top style. I tried it on first to decide the best point to cut it at. If you want to keep the sleeves on your tee, stop here. If not, go on to Step #7. 

Step #7: I decided to make this into a tank. To do this, I just cut about an inch away from the shoulder seam. If you want to measure it out and trace it you can, but I wasn't too concerned and I just cut away. 

To Make the Bows: 
Step #8: Cut a strip off of any part of the excess fabric you have. You're going to be gathering the fabric in between slits in the middle and tying the strip in a knot. You can leave it simple like this or, if you want a little something extra, read on. 

Step #9: Using stiff ribbon, I cut a section off. With the strip of fabric perpendicular to it, I made a bow and tied it on with a knot. 

Step #10: Adjust the bow accordingly! If you are super crafty, you can sew the ribbon, instead of knotting it. Or, you can find some spare trimming you have lying around (lace would be nice) and use that instead of excess fabric. 

The Final Look 

What do you think of this DIY? Is this something you'd try? 

(adapted via lovemaegan.com)
More by Alexandra C.
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on August 08, 2012  Becky  13,128 said:

You look so nice! I love the Tshirt. I dunno if its something I'd try cuz i'm not very comfortable showing my back but I really like the look on you. Do you have your hair up in a sock bun?? I've been wanting to try that for ages! Maybe tonight when I get home...

on August 08, 2012  Tynk  2,234 said:

I think it's really cute but not something I could pull off making myself.

on August 08, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

I like it on you, but its not something I'd wear.

on August 08, 2012  fredamans  12,209 said:

I'm not a fan of bows, so will opt out of trying this one.

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