Our Article in the Toronto Star!

If you don't get this paper, the article is available online as well. Oh - and they took a snapshot of our home page and put that in the article so Artist, MizzRobin and Allychick_ling, your picture is in the paper too!!!
The online version comes sans pictures. We're really excited about this exposure!
Yeeeee Hawwwww!
There have been a number of wonderful people who have helped us get where we are, but we would like to give special props to some of those who initially helped bring ChickAdvisor to life:
Alex Harvey
Alex Hess
Angela Noseworthy
Arshia Tabrizi
Fayaz Ashraf
Josh Davey
... and especially thank you to Ahmad Nassri, our head developer who has been with us from the beginning and has stuck with us through thick and thin and is an invaluable member of our team.
Thank you!!
Read the article online