Posing in Rain Boots (PLUS Guess to Win)

| Thursday April 7, 201169 comments

The old saying goes: March winds and April showers? Bring forth May flowers. So we're hoping that all the rain this month brings forth a lovely May filled with plenty of blooms (feel free to send us flowers next month). To get through April we're donning our rain boots, in styles almost as varied as spring flora. 

We all have memories of jumping through puddles as kids, rain boots were so fast to pull on (no laces!) they were the easiest thing to slip on when wanting to get outside and play. One of our posers had a pair of red rain boots decorated with characters from a popular kids show that she loved dearly, but due to playing on an escalator (you know how your parents tell you not to do that, here's why) the boots got caught and she was traumatically trapped in the moving staircase's steal jaws. While her foot came out unscathed, the caught boot was wrecked. Can you guess who lost their favourite wellies in such a fashion and what the kid's show was that had characters decorating her boots?

Lauren's not giving up her winter coat from Guess yet, pairing it with a Forever21 necklace and a pair of Ralph Lauren riding-style rain boots.

Mel's playful Gap rubber boots go perfectly with her other primary-colour pieces—a red Old Navy coat and blue jeans. Here she is playing around with her sons' binoculars (looking for rain clouds in the distance, perhaps?).

Siofan's green wellies from Urban Outfitters are super comfy and she's wearing them with a trench from Uniqlo.

Cathy gets into the tartan groove (perhaps a nod to Canada now having it's own official tartan) in her rubber boots with equestrian details (they are Ralph Lauren after all). Her spring anorak from H&M has a hood in case she gets caught without an umbrella, and check out those gorgeous orangey-red lips.

Guess in the comments below who you think lost their favourite boots as a child and the kid's TV show they featured (hint: it had puppets). Someone's correct guess will earn them a prize!

Reminder: if you're not a ChickAdvisor member, please leave a blog or email address in your response in case we draw your name. Of course, we'd much rather you mosey over here for your free profile
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on April 07, 2011  jamiehall said:

my guess is mel!

on April 07, 2011  broadway96  508 said:

I say Lauren.. She looks like she had some hip rainboots as a kid.

on April 07, 2011  baddgirl  1,025 said:


on April 07, 2011  Tara said:

I say Lauren.. She looks like she had some hip rainboots as a kid.

on April 07, 2011  tobyhir  1,271 said:

I read it wrong...duh!! MUPPETS!! And Cathy! :D

on April 07, 2011  LaurenBlair  128 said:

Thanks! I think the bangs make it look darker than it is, but I like it too :)

on April 07, 2011  tobyhir  1,271 said:

I say Cathy...and Mr. Dress-up!! :D

on April 07, 2011  assia  1,578 said:

My guess is Siofan.

on April 07, 2011  mamaluv  STAFF said:

Wow Lauren, I hardly recognized you with your gorgeous dark brown hair!

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