Posing Wall: Black & White

Posted by Ali | Wednesday July 14, 20104 comments
Today we decided to pose outside.  With the way the weather has been behaving so nicely it felt like the right thing to do.  And then there was the matter of Pam and I coincidentally dressing in black and white, which would look boring on a white wall, don't you agree?

Pam is wearing the dearest polka dot dress.  I love that the dots are smaller at the top than the bottom.
Posing wall
Isn't this cute?
posing wall
Let's have a better look at that gorgeous bag.
posing wall
And finally, the shoes...
posing wall
When I got dressed today I feared that with my white top and black pants, people would try to get me to take their order.  Here I am with my eyes closed.
posing wall
It's unfortunate I blinked for this shot. What do you think of the ruffles on the shoulders?
posing wall
Now I know you've seen my Roots bag before, but it looks even better outside, wouldn't you agree?
posing wall
And finally, my favourite Michael Kors pumps.
posing wall
I simply can't get enough yellow nail polish lately.  Are you feeling it?

You know what to do.  Vote!  Who wins this round?

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on August 11, 2010  jmca  9,275 said:

Love the dress....but the ruffles on Ali's top are adorable! And, YES, I love your Roots bag!!

Hey, I've got a proposition for you! How about you send me those outfits (bag too)....um, in my size of course, and I'll try both out...I'll even go downtown and out and about...and I'll report back to you on which one gets more whistles? Ahem, of course I'd get to keep the outfits. :)

on July 15, 2010  Mouse  590 said:

Love love love the dress. The ruffles on Allie's top are cute too.

on July 14, 2010  Ali de Bold  STAFF said:

Har har.

on July 14, 2010  mamaluv  STAFF said:

That's a tough call! I love Pam's dress, but I also adore the ruffle detail on your shirt. Both of you just look so pulled together.

Now, about that Grey Goose and Cranberry I ordered earlier...

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