Posing Wall: Meet Nicole

Posted by ChickAdvisor Team | Friday October 5, 201215 comments

Hello everyone! My name is Nicole and I am easily recognizable as the short, pale girl here at ChickAdvisor! I’m here to lend a helping hand as the new intern. I can’t wait to get to know everyone on the site so to start off I thought I would let you know a few things about myself:  

1) I’m a caffeine addict. This has become a habit over the past year. Iced coffee was my first introduction to caffeine and soon after came all the other possibilities. I am the type of person that prefers adding a shot of espresso (or two) into a chocolate smoothie. A day without caffeine in my system and I may just start seeing mystical creatures and believing they are real. 
2) I'm a recent graduate. I graduated from McMaster University with a double major in Honours Multimedia and Communication Studies. After four years of hard work at school and at a part-time job, I'm exploring the world on my own to see what I can actually do and am excited to take on new challenges. 

3) I’m a shutterbug. Whether it’s just Instagram on my iPhone or using my DSLR camera, I love taking pictures. I seem to always have new photos to share from my everyday life. I love finding artistic ways to express life through photographs. My latest victim for my photograph experiments is my new kitten, Nelson.

4) I’m online, like all the time. I'm usually found within arm's reach of my MacBook. I'm obsessed with the Internet and couldn't imagine my life without it. Between listening to music non-stop, social networking, creating something with Photoshop, and watching one of my many favourite shows, it's no wonder I don't get out for drinks with my friends more often. It really doesn't help that I can access most things from my iPhone when I eventually do get out.

5) I’m a picky eater. I always get made fun of for being an extremely picky eater. Most people are appalled to find out I absolutely will not go anywhere near pickles, peanut butter, and bananas. But considering I recently ate squid and didn't mind it at all, I don't think I'm the pickiest eater on the planet. One food I will never stop eating? Bacon. 

Be sure to visit my profile and say 'HI'!  Let me know below if you're a picky eater-caffeine junkie like me! 
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on October 11, 2012  Steffikah  9,295 said:

Insta-BFF - we share the same love of bacon! <3

on October 11, 2012  KatelynRose1984  20,704 said:

I love bacon!

on October 09, 2012  Malixy  2,623 said:

I love bacon! And also taking pictures of things. Good luck here :)

on October 09, 2012  MizzRobin  13,788 said:

Welcome Nicole!

on October 09, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

Welcome to the ChickAdvisor family Nicole!

on October 08, 2012  shanaz  5,961 said:

Welcome Nicole!!

on October 05, 2012  cutie_marlena  3,191 said:

I hate peanut butter too! I love bananas though. I love bacon, but now that I'm pregnant, I can't eat it! It makes me sick just thinking about eating it!! My baby must not like it... maybe if you ever become pregnent you'll suddenly love bananas and pickles lol

on October 05, 2012  Bren  26,046 said:

Pickles!Bananas!and Peanut Butter I couldn't live without....Squid would make me run lol....Welcome to Chickadvisor Nicole......Your cat is so cute and I love giving cats human names!Nelson is perfect :)

on October 05, 2012  fredamans  12,209 said:

Congrats on graduating! I live in Hamilton so know Mac well.
I also have on that blue & white striped sweater at the moment... the exact same one!!!

on October 05, 2012  mamaluv  STAFF said:

Peanut butter, bananas, pickles, and bacon - 4 of my Favourite Things! Squid... not so much :)

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