Scalp School and the Surprising Cause of Dandruff
Sunday November 2, 2008
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Dandruff is caused by bacteria poo. Well technically, it is caused by your scalp's reaction to the poo.
Feel like washing your hair?
Head & Shoulders recently treated local media to a session of 'scalp school' where we learned the disturbing causes of dandruff and some general tips on scalp and hair health. Here's what you need to know:
1. We all have a bacteria called Malassezia living on our scalp. It feeds off your natural oils (sebum/lipids). Like all creatures, nature calls. In your hair!
2. 50% of us have a negative reaction to Malassezia poo. Your scalp is either cool with it, or it's not. That causes itching and flaking. It is linked to your immune system. You know how your roommate never gets sick, but you are out with a cold every season? It's all related.
3. There is no difference between dry scalp and dandruff. It's a year round deal.
4. Scratching your head damages your hair.
5. Brushing damages your hair. Did you know that? The 100 brush strokes before bed of the olden days is a definite no-no.
6. Water strips colour treated hair, not shampoo. The warm water in your shower opens the hair shaft and slowly strips the colour. You don't necessarily need to buy shampoo for colour treated hair specifically. As long is it is relatively gentle you should be fine.
7. The average person has 100,000 hairs on their head. Redheads have the least at 85,000, Blondes have about 140,000 and Brunettes are the hairiest with 155,000.
So what can you do to treat dandruff and keep your scalp happy?
* Wash your hair often. You don't need to wash it every day, but once a week might not be the best idea if you suffer from dandruff/ don't like bacteria $hit in your hair.
* Take care of yourself. When your health suffers or your immune system is weakened, you are more susceptible to all sorts of ailments, including dandruff. Stress is a big factor. Try to trim that from your life wherever possible.
Read our review of Head & Shoulders Dry Scalp Care Shampoo
Read our review of Head & Shoulders Dry Scalp Care Conditioner
Feel like washing your hair?
Head & Shoulders recently treated local media to a session of 'scalp school' where we learned the disturbing causes of dandruff and some general tips on scalp and hair health. Here's what you need to know:
1. We all have a bacteria called Malassezia living on our scalp. It feeds off your natural oils (sebum/lipids). Like all creatures, nature calls. In your hair!
2. 50% of us have a negative reaction to Malassezia poo. Your scalp is either cool with it, or it's not. That causes itching and flaking. It is linked to your immune system. You know how your roommate never gets sick, but you are out with a cold every season? It's all related.
3. There is no difference between dry scalp and dandruff. It's a year round deal.
4. Scratching your head damages your hair.
5. Brushing damages your hair. Did you know that? The 100 brush strokes before bed of the olden days is a definite no-no.
6. Water strips colour treated hair, not shampoo. The warm water in your shower opens the hair shaft and slowly strips the colour. You don't necessarily need to buy shampoo for colour treated hair specifically. As long is it is relatively gentle you should be fine.
7. The average person has 100,000 hairs on their head. Redheads have the least at 85,000, Blondes have about 140,000 and Brunettes are the hairiest with 155,000.
So what can you do to treat dandruff and keep your scalp happy?
* Wash your hair often. You don't need to wash it every day, but once a week might not be the best idea if you suffer from dandruff/ don't like bacteria $hit in your hair.
* Use a shampoo and conditioner that contains Pyrithione Zinc, an active anti-dandruff fighting ingredient that treats the source of the problem rather than the symptoms. This ingredient is found in all Head & Shoulders Shampoos and Conditioners. Matrix has also recently launched a new line of Biolage Scalpthérapie Antidandruff that also contains Pyrithione Zinc and is enriched with Green Tea and Mallow root extract which contribute to calm and protect the scalp. Head & Shoulders is available in drug stores and Biolage is sold in professional hairdressing salons.
* Take care of yourself. When your health suffers or your immune system is weakened, you are more susceptible to all sorts of ailments, including dandruff. Stress is a big factor. Try to trim that from your life wherever possible.
Read our review of Head & Shoulders Dry Scalp Care Shampoo
Read our review of Head & Shoulders Dry Scalp Care Conditioner