Spring Shoes Pose Off- Comment to Win!

Posted by ChickAdvisor Team | Monday March 12, 2012115 comments

Spring has sprung! Or, at the very least, we hope so. Winter can be fun, but there's something so exciting and fresh about the beginning of spring. We're pretty pumped about the warmer weather we've been having so we thought we'd put a little spring in our step with a pose off in spring shoes! 


Lorna is wearing classi peeptoe heels with a cute twisted knot detail. The nude colour is a more casual approach to what is normally a formal heel, making it the perfect spring accessory with skinny jeans. She's paired it with a basic tee and a blazer for a office appropriate look. Lorna's shoes are Fioni Kutzie Knot Pump, courtesy of our friends at Payless Shoe Source (C$44.99)


Michelle is wearing Dexter boat shoes from Payless Shoe Source (C$39.99). She's channeling the nautical theme this spring and summer so these boat shoes are perfect for her style. With a bit of sequin sparkle, her look is a bit of fun with a casual, light look! We love how she sports grey jeans for the spring instead of a dark denim. 


Alexandra's flats are a basic black suede with a tiny heel, but cute stitching with a crown embellishment makes them a bit more quirky and fun. She wears her flats with a dark wash denim and a light, sheer and flowy polka dot blouse- the perfect lightweight item for the sunny weather!

Which one of our spring time shoe looks is your favourite? Leave us a comment by March 18th with your answer and you could win! 
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on March 12, 2012  Cathi  421 said:

Lorna's are very cute.

on March 12, 2012  googoogirl82  1,582 said:

Lorna's shoes, they are so pretty and I have those exact shoes love them

on March 12, 2012  TammyK  1,073 said:

love love love Michelle's shoes. They are perfect for going anywhere and look mighty comfortable! Great for school too.

on March 12, 2012  Keeks  3,762 said:


on March 12, 2012  Unw4nt3d  1,454 said:

Lorna's shoes look the best. They would go well with almost anything

on March 12, 2012  Guppy  2,819 said:

Lorna peeptoes are my fave - just polish those nails girl! lol! Sorry Alex but those flats remind me of house slippers :o

on March 12, 2012  starobsolete  2,335 said:

I like Lorna's shoes! :D The twist is a really flattering touch.

on March 12, 2012  Happy Chinadoll  3,477 said:

Lorna shoes are great for the summer.

on March 12, 2012  marebear  941 said:

I love the classi peeptoe heel they look great and can go with anything

on March 12, 2012  TeddyKana  398 said:

I think Lorna's look great with the nude color peeptoes!

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