Staff Picks! Gratuitous Hottie Face Off: Christian Bale vs. Jake Gyllenhaal

Posted by Alexandra C. | Friday November 25, 201141 comments
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Usually, with our Gratuitous Hottie articles, I (Alexandra) get to pick the two sexy men and then because I like the feeling of power, I decide who gets to be crowned 'Hottest of them all'. However, to change it up, I thought I would give some say to the other ChickStaffers. This week, I'm picking one of my all time fave crushes- Jake Gyllenhaal and the fabulous Shiori will pick hers- Christian Bale. Then, because we love to watch some hot man battles, we'll pit them against each other in three rounds- we'll each be rooting for our own pick! After three grueling rounds, one man will be left standing! 

Round 1: Nice Guy vs. Bad Boy 
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Alexandra: Jake Gyllenhaal is the type of nice guy you want to take home to your mom and dad for Christmas dinner. And he'd probably bring the mashed potatoes too- 'cause he's adorable like that. Bale would probably just scream at everyone there. 

Shiori: As we already know from Gratuitous Hottie: Gossip Girl edition, I like my men on the darker side. Bale has that edginess that I find very attractive. 

Winner: We decided to go to an impartial third party for this decision. Mandy says, "Nice boys are better" which is good enough for us! Jake wins! 

Round 2: Who has the nicer eyes? 
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Alexandra: I think Jake Gyllenhaal has the nicer eyes- they're big and blue and he reminds me of a puppy dog in the best possible way. I think Bale's eyes are too squinty- like an evil shark. 

Shiori: I'm all about the hazel-green eyes. They're unique and I want to stare into them all day long. 

Winner: We (mostly, I, Alexandra) thinks that this round goes to Jake because his ocean blues eyes are most definitely something we'd (i.e. I'd) like to take a swim in. 

Round 3: Who looks better with a little scruff on 'em? 
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Alexandra: I won't lie- I love a nice scruffy beard. The bigger the better. I absolutely love the beard of Jake- I think he looks so rough and still so cute at the same time. 

Shiori: I prefer just a bit of a five o' clock shadow - so that he doesn't look dirty and gross (*hem hem* Jake Gyllenhaal...) 

Winner: Alexandra's preference for big beards seems to be isolated to just her so this round's winner is Christian Bale! Even she has to admit that Bale's scruff is pretty sexy. 

And the winner is.... Jake Gyllenhaal! Alexandra is very happy about the outcome of the (totally unbiased, of course) competition! 

Do you agree? Disagree? Have another hottie in mind? Let us know by leaving a comment below! 
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on November 28, 2011  beachbabe  4,164 said:

I WOULD pick Christian Bale but I also heard about the crap he pulled on his crew and that made him drop many points in my books. Too bad. I loved him in The Prestige and of course Batman! So I'll go with Jake. He just seems a little more down to earth. Plus I LOVE the colour of his eyes!

on November 27, 2011  LEHA  1,658 said:

They're both just a little too pretty for my taste. Maybe in 10 years...a little age, like a fine wine, might just make them more enjoyable! Looking at it that way, I think Jake is the one who will age better.

on November 27, 2011  Ali de Bold  STAFF said:

Adeptbrunette, is that video legit? I just watched that and wow if he really did that it's impossible to respect him. No one should ever behave like that. Really despicable.

on November 27, 2011  Keeks  3,762 said:

Jake all the way!

on November 25, 2011  Aliza  14,011 said:

You ladies are the best! Just reading this made me laugh. I'd love to take a swim in Jake's eye's as well Alex!

on November 25, 2011  cathy3087  98 said:

This competition was hilarious, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this! I'm on team Gyllenhal.

on November 25, 2011  bdeyell86  2,048 said:

I like them both but if I had to choose it would be Christian Bale.

on November 25, 2011  kath_ryn  1,145 said:

Jake all the way! I get why people find Christian attractive but for some reason he's never really done it for me!

on November 25, 2011  shiorim  982 said:

I'd like Christian Bale but with Jake's personality :) I do admit I like Jake too (but Alexandra stole him before I could claim him!!) but Christian Bale is a very talented actor

on November 25, 2011  LadyFlash  8,899 said:

Bale all the way for me! I've had such a crush on him since i was 11 and saw him in Little Women lol. Plus he is just an amazing actor in general.

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