Stain Removal DIY + Ways To Keep Your Clothes In Tip Top Shape

Posted by Alexandra C. | Thursday January 9, 201415 comments

Those who know me know that my nickname is 'Human Napkin' because I am ALWAYS covered in stains. Hey, I like to eat and I'm clumsy, and that has it's price. I'm a big fan of the bronzer during winter as well which means that my shirts ALWAYS have a ring of makeup around the collar. Yeah, I know, I'm a mess. 

Luckily, there are some excellent hacks out there for those of us who have some trouble making the fork with food actually go into our mouths. Whether you're looking to get a stain out, need some quick fixes when you're on the go or just looking to keep your clothes in tip top shape, we have you covered: 

Stain Removal DIY: 

Simple and cost effective, it's easy and great to use on food stains. 

Use 1/4 cup liquid dish detergent + 1/4 cup glycerin + 1/2 cup water to make this DIY and get more details and instructions here!

Keeping Your Clothes Lookin' Good: 

Oil Stains: Leave baby powder on the spot overnight then wash accordingly. 

Fuzzies: Your fave fuzzy sweater leaving fluffs everywhere? Put your angora or mohair sweater in a ziploc bag in the freezer for a few hours. 

Wrinkly: Wrinkled blouse and short on time? Multi-task while hanging your blouse on a shower rod and let the steam help out. 

Foundation Stains: Use a light layer of shaving cream to spot treat.     

Fruit or Fruit Juice Stains: Use detergent in the hottest water safe for the fabric. Do not use soap (bar, flake or detergents containing natural soap), since soap-based products could make the stain permanent.

On the Go Essentials:

1. Tide to Go Instant Stain Remover (C$9.97): Obvious. 

2. Static Guard Spray (C$4.19): Great for winter!

3. Black Safety Pins (US$3.40): Use black to seamlessly blend with clothes.

4. Braza Flash Tape (US$7.11): To cover up those gaping buttons so you don't show the goodies!

5. Dryel Starter Kit (C$7.47): Excellent 'in a pinch' or 'running low on funds' substitute for dry cleaning 

Got any stain busting tips for me?
(additional info via,
More by Alexandra C.
More on Style Guide, Home, Relax, DIY

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on April 27, 2017  Tpynn  3,168 said:

Love all these tips!

on February 04, 2016  a.m646  1,024 said:

Pretty neat!!

on September 26, 2015  Kylee  40,914 said:

Thanks for te article! I will save all of these tips for the future seeig as I am clumsy and I tend to get a lot of stains on my clothing :p

on May 11, 2015  gl0ss  6,194 said:

Great tips! I find those tide-to-go pens a real lifesaver

on April 12, 2015  henam  3,270 said:

or you can just wera a bib everywhere like me :P

on December 08, 2014  Onimiki  3,409 said:

I love the oxi clean for whites

on June 02, 2014  Petersgirl  8,414 said:

I use hydrogen peroxide (the kind you use in the medicine chest) for a lot of stain removal, just put a little on the stain, let it sit for a minute or two and wash as normal. And for Takoda's husbands grease stains or grease stains on her own clothing (from cooking), go to Canadian Tire and purchase a can of Lustreshene (I think I spelled it wrong) hand cream for cleaning mechanics hands. This works very well, put a bit on the stain, smear it around, let sit for a minute and then the trick is to wash it in a warm or hot water load not a cold water wash. It has always worked for me.

on January 15, 2014  imfeehily  8,865 said:

Flash tape! I gotta get me some.

on January 13, 2014  Charmheart16  3,985 said:

Great tips. I always have Tide-To-Go in my purse.

on January 13, 2014  Anjanie777  1,682 said:

I love Static Guard! Works even on hair brushes or combs.
Just don't spray it in your hair.

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