Stain Removal DIYs + Night Out Survival Kit

Posted by Alexandra C. | Wednesday August 22, 201218 comments

With the Toronto International Film Festival making it's way into the city any time now, we'll be inundated with celebs, photogs and red carpet events. This got me thinking about all the prep that goes into an A lister event. Only I'm not talking about guest books and table settings, I'm talking about deciding on your dress, your makeup and shoes! 

Now, I was a dedicated Girl Guide (or Girl Scout) growing up so I'm always prepared for anything that comes my way. And when I'm out for the night at a fancy event, I often find myself having some sort of beauty emergency. I like to have a full kit, complete with items fit for anything that comes my way. Unfortunately, I am a huge klutz and at some point in the evening, I will inevitably spill something on myself. So, when my kit fails me, I also have a list of DIY stain removal options to get rid of virtually anything. 

Let's talk beauty survival kits, shall we? Here's what I like to keep in my bag for those 'just in case' emergencies: 

1. Tide To Go Stain Remover Pen (C$4.39)

2. Needle and thread for any lose buttons or tears, check out tutorials, like this one, if you are a sewing newbie. 

3. Flash Tape (US$7.00) to make sure you aren't letting 'the ladies' play peek-a-boo!

4. I like to use claw clips to gather loose fabric if needed on a dress that's too big or for a quickie up do when your hair falls. 

5. A strap rips? A tear appears? Safety pins are your best bet. 

6. Fashion-Aid (C$12.99) helps to keep straps or necklines where they should be. 

7. Ditch the pantyhose, which can rip and go instead with Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs (C$15.89). They're easier, offer a bit of coverage for any bruises etc. and won't give up on you halfway through the night.

You were extra, extra, super duper careful and you still spilled on that dress of yours? If your handy stain removal pen fails you, don't freak out just yet. There are a ton of DIY stain removers for an at home remedy and products you may be able to find in a pinch. 

1. Aspirin helps to remove sweat stains, read more here
2. Baking soda and detergent make for a simple spot treatment
3. Vinegar can be used to remove blood stains (sounds weird, but nose bleeds happen!). 
4. An oldie but a goodie, remove red wine with club soda
5. Rubbing alcohol and 6. Hydrogen peroxide can both be used in DIY stain removers but if needed, try spot treating with it for stains like lipstick

What emergency fixes do you carry with you for a night out? 
More by Alexandra C.
More on DIY

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on August 22, 2012  AlexJC  50 said:

@Bren so smart of you to carry around a fabric sheet for static! That always seems to happen to me!

on August 22, 2012  KatelynRose1984  20,704 said:

I never carried stain removers on a regular basis, until I was blessed with a child. Lol. Now I always have a Tide To Go pen in my purse. I have used it many times, and it helps a lot.

on August 22, 2012  Henrys  815 said:

I don't but should since I spill almost everything possible on myself, plus the 2 toddlers don't help!

on August 22, 2012  fredamans  12,209 said:

I live for Tide-to-Go sticks. It never fails when I'm wearing white I always end up feeding the girls. (My breasts.)

on August 22, 2012  Bren  26,046 said:

I have a fabric sheet tucked in my purse,I often get such bad static cling on my skirts and its looks terrible all stuck to my legs.I also have a small antiseptic spray(poly on the go)for any accidents. I also always have hand wipes/or hand sanitizer.Mints and gum galore!You never want to meet up with someone and have horrid breath lol...

on August 22, 2012  smiley_gen  9,832 said:

I always have Tylenol or Advils, bobby pins and safety pins in my purse because you never know!
Something else I would never leave the house without is a tiny bottle of clear nail polish and my friction block stick by Band-Aid...for those of you who never tried it and love wearing heels...go buy one your feet!!!
Oh and even if i'm not a smoker, a lighter for some reason has always come in handy!

on August 22, 2012  bubbles77  28,057 said:

Tide To Go Stain Remover Pen is always in my purse when I go out anywhere. I also carry q-tips, extra panty hose if wearing them out, band aids, bobby pins and of course hair elastics and clips.I figure better safe than embarrassed. Great article with some great information, thanks.

on August 22, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

I carry a little sewing kit that has different colors of
thread, little scissors and a sewing needle all in one. This way I have
a close match to pretty much anything I might be wearing, or that one
of my guy's might have on while we're out together. Sadly I haven't gone
any where in a very long time, so that's about all I still carry with
me. I do have a great book that's called "How to clean anything." It
tells you just what to use on just about any type of stain you can think
of and on just about any surface you can think of. It's great to have
in the house and everything I've tried has worked. Like rubbing alcohol
to remove ink on clothing. I've use this one a lot! I even used it
inside of my dryer when a pen got past me and went through a whole load
covering everything and was all over the inside of my dryer. NO fun!!!

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