Stranded in a Hotel Elevator With...? Results now in!

Posted by ChickAdvisor Team | Thursday September 15, 20112 comments
Yesterday we asked you who you'd rather be stuck in a hotel elevator with: George Clooney or Brad Pitt?

The fantasy-o-meter was pinging back and forth all day long, but finally the people spoke and voted for...

George Clooney

As if you needed any, some of your justifications were:

"Clooney is just boss. He's a total silver fox and used to have a pet pig."

"Brad's taken. George offers possibility!"

All very very true.  And just because we like to exercise some journalistic objectivity* around these parts, especially in light of the seriousness of this question, we thought it'd be only fair to give Brad some lovin' too:

(had to be a smaller pic since after all, George did win this face off)

Brad's crew said:

"Brad Pitt is so handsome and a sweet family man. Clooney is also charismatic but Brad seems so funny and humble even with all the fame."

And our personal fave response:

"If we're just stuck in an elevator for a shorter time, I'd go with George since he's so suave.  But if the question was asking who I'd rather be stuck with for life, no question it's Brad - he's steadier."

Playah, you know that's true...

So do you agree with these results? Or should we have done as one reader suggested and opened the field to, in her case, Keanu Reeves?

*further to this famed journalistic objectivity we talked about, it's obviously unfair to pit a sexy silver fox against a youthful golden surfer dude considering that in fact they are almost the same age, but Bradley will always be that sunny boy we loved in Thelma & Louise and Legends of the Fall.  Okay, so objectivity might possibly be in short supply on this Thursday afternoon?
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