#StyleTalk: What Trends Do You Wish Would Make a Comeback? (Comment to Win!)

Posted by Christina | Monday January 27, 201445 comments

A shopping trip to TopShop with my mother means that I hear her say, "Well, I wore something just like that when I was 16" at least three times. Okay mom, I get it. While this can get old, real fast, she does have a point. Trends are always recycled.

I am extremely guilty of stealing some of her wardrobe from when she was a twenty something. Though I’m happy that some trends stayed in the past where they belong, i.e. hideous sky high bulky shoulder pads that were not only in blazers but possibly every top or blouse you owned; and yet, there are a few I wish I could still rock today.

My favorite trends usually come from the 90’s since I’m a 90’s baby. Scrunchies, high waisted acid wash, platforms - yes, please! I like to think I’m helping this comeback, so you’re welcome crop tops and fanny packs.

Have you noticed the recycling of trends through the years? What are some of your favorite trends from past decades that you wish would make a comeback in 2014?

Leave a comment below and you could win a prize pack worth C$35.00 full of some beauty goodies that are here to stay! Or tweet us @chickadvisor with your answer and the hashtag #StyleTalk to win!
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on January 30, 2014  mappy  227 said:

Platform shoes. back in the 70's 6 inch platforms were just the best. I kept several of the lower 3-4 inchers and they were recycled by the younger members of the family. They thought they were the best.

on January 29, 2014  midnightsun2288  6,053 said:

I am loving the comeback of Harem pants.They are so comfy.

on January 28, 2014  ems001  9,358 said:

Crop tops and bright neon colors were my favorite when I was younger, wore them all the time and I definitely see those trends often on runways, and neon colors on the streets also. I feel like big hair is always in, maybe not quite as extreme as in the 80s and 90s, but I see a more polished version often, and if done right, it looks good.

I hope shoulder pads never come back in, they make you look so rigid and fake, I remember my mom's old shirts and I always wonder why there were there. I also don't miss that plain blue jean color, that did nothing for anyone.

on January 28, 2014  Marie1234  4,232 said:

High waisted pants

on January 27, 2014  flower  4,433 said:

lots of bracelets

on January 27, 2014  KatelynRose1984  20,704 said:

I think a lot of things have started to come back. Crop tops, high wasted pants, leg warmers and a lot of funky denim trends.

on January 27, 2014  fredamans  12,209 said:

When I lived through the 80's one of the craziest fashion statements I made was safety pins all the way down my pant legs. Yeah I was a total punk and fit the bill.

on January 27, 2014  LadyFlash  8,899 said:

I would love to see Cosby sweaters from the 80/90's make a comeback. Those things were comfy ;)

on January 27, 2014  shop4days  211 said:

Knee high socks have definitely <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> made a come back! They started in the Roman Empire when people would wrap cloth around thier legs and tie it with leather to keep warm, and after that in the 1920's and 1960's they were not only used for warmth, but to look posh and chic. Now girls where knee high socks and even thigh high socks with dresses, skirts and cute pair of wedges of course!

on January 27, 2014  Bren  26,046 said:

Well I am a 80s girl and must say I was happy to see leg warmers come back!I have been wearing my leg warmers all winter!

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