Surviving Spring Break

Moms, we are coming up on scary times. I'm talking Spring Break.
Now, we all love quality time with the fam, but this idea of 24/7 for a whole week might just have you up at night dealing with a pesky facial tic that developed shortly after your class newsletter arrived in your inbox reminding you to please not send your kids to school, as the entire staff is enjoying a --much needed, though who'd admit it?-- break.
See? You can admit that you're wondering how you'll survive. I know I am! I started thinking about this post over a month ago (erm, because that's when I started worrying), and have finally mapped out our spring break to accommodate the important needs of both kids and mom alike. You can steal my ideas; I don't mind.
Kid Swap
Rope a good friend or two into a kid swap. You each agree to play Party Central for a half day, which can take any form you like (or can handle). Try one of these:
~picnic at the park (and don't sweat the food - try a bucket of chicken and some pre-cut fruit from the supermarket)
~buy out Wal-Mart's craft section. Don't forget to hit the paint department for some plastic dropsheets, and then plasticize your kitchen (plus make smocks out of garbage bags) and let the kids go crazy. Afterward, just roll the trash together and voilà - no mess!
~pizza party and movie marathon. Buy some prepared pizza shells or flatbread and let them make their own pizzas. Pop in a classic Disney flick (personal pick: The Swiss Family Robinson) and keep a casual eye on them while you catch up on your gossip mags. You could make it even more fun with a theme, like a costume or pajama party (but with the clear understanding that it will not be a sleepover. You don't love your friends enough to have all their kids over at once, do ya?)
Tot-Friendly Version: prep your playroom, living room, or den with only tot-friendly toys (and don't forget to babyproof if necessary). Put on some bouncy music and let the little 'uns play to their hearts content. Have plenty of Goldfish and banana slices on hand for munching. Buy a value jug of bubbles and sit on the side puffing away. They'll pretty much take care of themselves from there.
Result: on your half day(s) off, take time for yourself. Who knows when another opportunity to get your grays dyed will come around again? Plus, since you're already at the salon you may as well get a quick facial.
Cabin Fever Remedy
Get out for an activity you wouldn't usually have time for, hopefully one that interests you as well as your kids. Ask around about Spring Break specials at your local YMCA, Children's Museum, movie theater, planetarium, nature center, or art gallery (think art studio time at a place you don't have to clean up afterward).
Tot-Friendly Version: your local McDonald's PlayPlace might be a necessary evil, but only if you time it for a slow day. Not that I've ever had to go there, but I hear the place is dead around 9:30ish.
Grandma's House
Your mom is always griping that she doesn't see enough of her grandkids. Now's your chance to take her up on her offer (even if she didn't quite have this in mind). Take pity on her and prep a suitcase full of your kids' favorite toys and board games so she won't have to search the attic for your old Barbies or have them color pictures using ballpoint pens from Holiday Inn. Give her plenty of notice so she'll have the chocolate chip cookies ready when you get there - and then you'll scoop a few on your way out the door!
Tot-Friendly Version: hey, this one is one-size-fits-all! Just remember to bring Blankie.
You want to be a cool mom who does stuff with her kids they'll never forget? Be creative with one of these:
~Dream up a destination scavenger hunt. It doesn't have to be anywhere fancy; choose a shopping mall or nature trail. Buy prizes at the Dollar Store (but make sure you have boobie prizes so that no one is left out), and make up zany awards like Most Imaginative Find or Best Sense of Humor for the joker in the group.
~Dig out your old 8mm video camera and let your big kids shoot a commercial or a short movie. Then give them a quickie tutorial on your video editing software and let them produce a final cut. Have a super official viewing party and tuck the DVD-ROM away for future use (someone's wedding perhaps?)
Result: an educational exercise that they don't even realize you sneaked in under the radar. Ha!
Before you know it, the week is done and you have the empty house all to yourself again. Try not to miss those fun few days you thought you'd never survive. The only major problem with all of this is that you've gone and set the bar for summer break. Good luck with that!
Any more ideas out there? Share them with the rest of us!