Sweet Peach Salsa
Sunday August 24, 2008
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What to do with the overflow of fresh summer fruits and veggies? If your peaches are in danger of growing the wrong kind of fuzz, it's time to turn it into a jam or a peach salsa!
My little sis Pamela is a pickler. A quick peak in her cupboard on a random Saturday afternoon reveals homemade pickles, fresh raspberry jam, strawberry preserve and rows of peach salsa. Though she was educated as an Opera singer, her talents in the kitchen are arguably on par. Looking at her cupboards makes me hungry... and tired. It all looks like so much work! I asked her how she could bear to spend so much time in the kitchen since I hit my limit at an hour. How are we related again?
"All you really have to do is chop the vegetables and put them in the pot" she said simply. "I enjoy it because I like the idea that I have something in my cupboard that I made myself and I know exactly where these ingredients came from."
Pamela buys all of her ingredients from a local farmer's market and grows her own herbs. Somewhat of a pickle junkie, she confessed her inspiration for canning came from reading labels on some of her favorite jars and discovering they were flown in from India.
"I would prefer to have stuff local and I thought, this isn't that hard. I could just make it myself! Most women our age don't can and that's part of the reason I want to do it. It's something women were doing for centuries but we've just kind of given up on it. But my main inspiration comes from going to the farmer's market and wanting to do something with all of those fresh fruits and vegetables."
Her salsa is so fantastic I convinced her it needed to be shared. Enjoy my lovelies!
Pamela's Perfect Peach Salsa
1 Large Onion
4 Peaches (chopped + peeled)
3 Large Tomatoes (chopped)
1 Green Pepper
1?2 Red Pepper
3 Jalapeno Peppers (makes medium heat. Add more if you dare)
2 Cups of Tomato sauce (store bought pasta sauce or make your own)
1/3 Cup Tomato Paste
3 TBSP White Vinegar
1?2 Can Diced Tomatoes
1 TBSP Brown Sugar
Toss it all in a big pot (put on medium) then add your spices:
1 TBSP chili powder
1?2 Tsp Basil
1?4 tsp Oregano
1 tsp Salt
Get this mixture up to a boil and then let simmer for an hour.
Combine 1 TBSP Corn Starch with 2 Tbslp of cold water and add to the mixture. Cook for about 5 more minutes stirring a lot to get the corn starch mixed and thicken the salsa.
How to Can it:
Canning jars (can be new or reused). The lid must be new because the seal can't be reused. Clean the jars really well and then put them in the oven to about 250 to let them get good and hot. (about 10 minutes) Take the lid (both the ring and the plate) and put into boiling water.
Pour the salsa into the hot jars leaving about an inch of space at the top. Then take a clean cloth and wipe the edge of the jar to make sure there is no salsa on the outside that would contact with the lid. Take the lid out of the boiling water, put it immediately on your jar of salsa and screw it on as tight as you can. Leave in a cool place (like your counter) until it is cooled.
Check all lids to make sure they are in a state of un popped If they didn't seal properly (takes about 3-4 hours) you will have to refrigerate that day.
Salsa can be eaten right away or can last on the shelf for about a year if sealed properly.
This salsa is tastes great with nachos, on veggie sandwiches or served on the side with a little chicken. Careful, you might want to just eat it with a spoon straight out of the jar!
What are you best canning recipes? Please share in the comments :)
By: Ali de Bold