The Hangover 3: Bachelorette Party Edition

Posted by Nora | Tuesday May 17, 201120 comments

As of this weekend, I was a bachelorette party semi-virgin, meaning that the only other bachelorette party I attended was when I was 21 and served as my sister’s Maid of Honor (if you use the term loosely).

I threw her what I vaguely remember to be a bachelorette party that ended with the two of us turning up our noses at the wedding-dress-friendly crudité her lovely friend had stocked the hotel room with and wandering the streets of Minneapolis in search of a hamburger at 2:30 in the morning and our mother shaking her head at us the next day at brunch.

Fast forward seven years and I am once again suiting up for bridesmaid duty, this time for one of my dearest childhood friends (if you don’t count the one time she made me eat a dog biscuit to earn an ice cream drumstick at her house after school).

Saturday night started out perfectly: wine and girl talk in a hotel suite downtown, the bride opening gifts of tasteful lingerie and heart-felt cards with nary a piece of penis décor in sight.

And then we went out.


Harder than I remember ever going out in college.

There was dancing. Shouting. Laughter. Shots. Oh, so many shots. Or as they should be called, tiny glasses of regret.

The damage?
• One sprained ankle, incurred during an attempted Dirty Dancing lift on the dance floor
• One more-than-slightly annoyed boyfriend, waiting in the car at 4:30am outside of the hotel
• One slightly-annoyed husband, dropping off two backseat drivers at the beginning of the night
• One missing birth control prescription (oops!)
• Fifteen blurry iPhone photos (what were we trying to capture?)
• Countless gibberish text messages, because communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship
• Two missing shoes, found the next morning in the hotel room, far from their owner
• Shattered dignity, which can only be repaired after much self-reflection

All in all, I’d call it a success.

What’s your favorite bachelorette party story? No judgments.

by Nora McInerny
More by Nora
More on Relationships

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on May 17, 2011  Ali de Bold  STAFF said:

I was at one this weekend. We drank from penis straws and went to a cowboy bar.

on May 17, 2011  jskim07  50 said:

I'm a bachelorette virgin myself, so I haven't had the pleasure yet :(.
I love wild stories though!
@Siofan That is so clever. I'm definitely going to keep that in mind!!!

on May 17, 2011  mamaluv  STAFF said:

Wow, my stories would pale in comparison. Crazy stuff, Nora!

on May 17, 2011  Siofan  50 said:

I haven't had a really crazy bachelorette party experience, however I have come up with some clever ways to embarrass the bride. My one friend had to wear a t-shirt with Lifesavers sewn all over it and the words "A buck a suck" on it. Guys came over and gave her a buck and then sucked a Lifesaver off the t-shirt. Most guys opted to buy her a shot instead of give her the buck. Another friend, her fiance definitely had an awkward stage (thick, clunky glasses, Cosby sweater, mullet) when he was thirteen, so we got a picture and put it on a t-shirt for the bride-to-be to wear. I can't remember the exact words, but it was something along the lines of "Check out how sexy my man is!" I'll never forget her dancing on the stage with the band at the bar wearing that shirt and everyone in the crowd laughing at the picture. Both she and her fiance thought the shirt was hilarious.

I've never gone to Vegas or stayed in a hotel after a bachelorette party, I kind of feel like that anonymity would make you more likely to go crazy?

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