This Chick Is A Mother Hen

"Mom, you don't have to get all fancy for us."
"Sometimes moms like to look extra nice, just for fun."
"I like it better when you just look... regular."
My friend showed up to a Mom & Tot event once. Another friend asked her about her smoky-eyed makeup technique.
"Oh my gosh!" my friend confessed with embarrassment. "I think that's yesterday's mascara!"
"Oh my gosh!" my friend confessed with embarrassment. "I think that's yesterday's mascara!"
Other hidden benefits when you're a mom:
* your cuticles have never been softer than when they get daily smearings of diaper cream,
* unwashed hair styles really nicely (even up to a week - trust me, I've been there),
* water conservation is easier when 3 little bodies insist on sharing your shower. To avoid this, you learn how to take the quickest showers possible.
We may not be the youngest of the Chicks on this block, but we Mother Hens have a girly side that must be satisfied, if only to remind ourselves of the days Before Children. Then there are the days when we're tired from multitasking work, household, and family and really need a pedicure or a great concealer for the bags under our eyes.
At first glance, you might assume that ChickAdvisor has little to offer moms. We'd like to change that. We'll feature a mommy-themed post regularly on ChickLit and other great changes are in the works!
At first glance, you might assume that ChickAdvisor has little to offer moms. We'd like to change that. We'll feature a mommy-themed post regularly on ChickLit and other great changes are in the works!