Tip Tuesday: 5 Cozy DIY's with Sweaters

Posted by Alexandra C. | Tuesday October 23, 201214 comments

As the wind is getting a little nippy these days, I did a recent 'back of the closet' haul to take out all of my stored away, big bulky sweaters. Of course, every year there are always one or two sweaters that as I pull out, I think to myself, 'yup, this one has seen better days'. Whether it's simply worn out, has a few too many holes orhas an ugly run in the thread, it's usually time to toss it. 

This year however, it's time to think DIY style when it comes to your old knitwear. We have 5 easy DIY projects to tackle with your tired knits so you can revamp them into something fabulous and fun! Also, if you're lucky enough to have a closet full of sweaters still in their prime, I suggest scoping out your local thrift shops for some inexpensive gems. 

1. Cozies for coffee mugs: A reusable sleeve is easy to create and can actually make a good homemade gift as well. Just cut off the sleeve of a sweater and if you're handy with a sewing machine, add buttons or pins to personalize it.

2. Slipper socks: I would like to wear these ones right up by the fireside, curled up with a book. Great for when the snow starts falling! 

3. Sweater Cuffs for Boots: Whether you're looking for a bit of extra warmth or you just like the look of a thick sock and boot, this is a super simple and easy craft. 

4. Wreath: A quirky alternative for your holiday decorations.    

5. Pillows: Imagine how soft and warm these would be; they would add great texture to a couch. I especially love the little rosette details added on. 

Do you repurpose or reuse old clothes? What DIY projects have you attempted with them?
More by Alexandra C.
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on October 23, 2012  Bren  26,046 said:

I really love the leg warmer idea!We get so much snow here that would really keep my legs warm...

Another really good idea for old clothes is to cut them into long strips and braid and turn it into a braided rug...

on October 23, 2012  mamaluv  STAFF said:

I love the throw pillow idea! A great contrast for leather couches or wooden rocking chair, etc. Now, I'm not really crafty enough to pull this off without some expert help, but good food for thought!

on October 23, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

I never even thought about reusing my old sweater's, or other things like this. If things I have are still in pretty good shape I usually donate it, if not I use it for rags. I love the sweater slipper's and the sweater boot cuffs idea's. I just might give my own closet a look over today and see what I can selvage. Thanks for the idea's.

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