Tip Tuesday: How to Stretch Out and Break In Shoes

In this week's Pose Off, I put on my fave shoes of late: my bright pink Doc Martens. Now, if you've ever had a pair of Docs, you know how difficult they are to break in. Of course, Docs aren't the only shoes that are tough to break in. Heels, wedges, sandals...groan. I am secretly convinced there is a very evil shoe designer out there who hates women's feet. I won't show you because it's pretty gross but I have the blisters and scars to prove it.
If only I had done my research before I used and abused my poor feet. As it turns out, there are a few very simple ways to stretch out and break in your shoes before wearing them.
What you'll need:

Tip # 1: Heat Method
Works on leather or imitation leather shoes. The traditional method involves using a blow dryer to work on your shoes, softening them. I also found this video which suggested putting your shoes in the oven. This is great because it takes very little time. It does however run the risk of becoming a fire hazard though so you'll need to keep close watch. For both methods, at the halfway point, put on a pair of socks and walk for a minute in your shoes, testing out how they feel. This method should take about 5-10 minutes.
Tip #2: Wet Method
Fill a ziploc bag with water, about halfway. Close the bag, getting rid of as much air as possible. Put the bag of water in your shoe and stick those shoes in the freezer. As the water turns to ice, it will expand which in turn will stretch out your shoes. The downside is, you'll need to wait for a few hours until water turns to ice.
Note: With both these methods, usually your shoes will increase about a half a size.
Tip #3: Good ol' Fashioned Breakin' in
This was the only trick that worked for my stiff leather Docs. I sat for about 10 minutes and crushed, smushed and creased the shoes with my hands. If your shoes hurt to walk in like mine, but you still need to work them in, try wearing them in an environment where you do little walking for a few hours. I wore mine at work at my desk or even around the house.
Do you have a tip for breaking in and stretching out a pair of stubborn shoes? Or maybe you're just smart and buy comfy shoes (unlike me), which comfy shoes are your go-to pair?
Facebook Comments
![]() | @sirenstarlight - I haven't tried the moleskin AlexJC suggested, but I do recommend the Band Aid blister blocker band aids! You can use them after a blister has formed and they'll protect the skin, but if I know a particular pair of shoes are troublesome when I wear them, I just put one on before the night even starts and 8 out of 10 times, they work!! |
![]() | Thanks Alex! |
![]() | Wonderful Idea's that I have never heard of before. I had the same pair of shoes for 4 years......I loved my platform shoes, melt the heal on my friends Harley, and have been lost without them ever since. |
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![]() | Thanks AlexJC! I'll try the mole skins! But the latest blister is still scabby and gross (sorry for the mental image there) so it will have to be flip flops for a few more days. Thank God for the great weather! :) |
![]() | Great tips!! I usually just wear them and suffer the blisters, glad to see there's alternatives. |
![]() | @sirenstarlight both methods will work on imitation leather but to be on the safe side, I would go with the wet method. |
![]() | If you want to stretch them a bit length wise, you can also just place a water filled bottle in the shoe, cap facing the toes, and leave it in there a few days! This of course only works of smaller shoe sizes like 6 or 7! But it does work! |
![]() | The last THREE pairs of shoes I bought gave me bad blisters on my heels! How do you stop this!? Or know this is going to happen!? I only wear them for a couple of minutes in the store before I buy them. they feel great for these couple of minutes. But when I wear them for a day at work or shopping I get very sore blisters and end up limping around the mall! The latest shoes to give me bleeding blisters are a pair of Bobs (by Sketchers) wedges. Cute, but deadly. |