Tips and Tricks For The Best and Most Painless Wax Possible
Not too long ago, you'll remember that I very bravely endured my first Brazilian wax. I mean, I was pretty badass. While I have conquered the professional downstairs bidness wax, I still have not been able to quite work myself up to trying an at home wax. However, with the recent Nair Candy Apple Sugar Wax release and product review club offer (did you snag one?), I've been curious about the process. Especially because it smells super yummy and you wax hair when it's only 2 mm long! That being said, I'm still terrified, so beauty expert and professor of cosmetic technique, Rhonda Shupe gave me some tips, tricks and advice on getting the best and most painless wax possible!
#1 Don't get waxed when that time of the month comes around. Your body is more sensitive then.
#2 Try to relax, stess and anxiety makes you and your muscles tense up.
#3 Take an ibuprofen or two at least 30 mins before your wax to help deal with pain. Glass of wine by your side is optional.
#4 Don't have hanky panky for 24 hrs after a downstairs business wax. I know you want to show off your new 'do, but sweat and all the other... achem… fluids can cause bacteria build up and ingrown hairs.
#5 Speaking of ingrown hairs, post-shaving exfoliating and moisturizing are KEY! My esthetician at Allure Body Bar recommends using an exfoliating glove after my wax.
#6 Sorry, no hot tubbing or sauna trips pre wax, your pores will be open and bacteria may settle for unsettling results.
#7 Opt for moisturizing soaps, waxing on dry skin is a no-no.
#8 Don't use ice to numb your skin. It will constrict blood vessels.
#9 Kind of obvious, but test your wax temperature on your wrist, the last thing you need is a burn.
#10 This one is new to me, but apparently using baby powder after cleansing to absorb any moisture will make it easier to wax.
#11 Hold skin taught when waxing, pull off at slight angle.
#12 Don't wax same area twice. This can irritate your skin.
#13 Lastly, no sunbathing pre or post wax. A nasty sunburn leaves skin dry and you don't want to wax on that.
Ready to rock your own at home wax? Try some of these products:
1. DermaDoctor KP Duty Body Scrub (C$52.00)
2. Urban Spa Exfoliating Gloves (C$3.99)
3. Nair Irresistible Candy Apple Sugar Wax (C$14.99)
4. Shaveworks The Cool Fix Lip & Brow Formula Post-Wax Rollerball (C$25.00)
5. Inhibitif Hair Free Intimate Care (C$14.99)
6. Bliss Poetic Waxing Wax Strips Body (C$42.00)
7. Nair Irresistible Moroccan Argan Oil PerfectTemp Wax Strips (C$14.99)
How do you deal with hair? Are you an at-home waxer or salon only? Or perhaps you prefer the shaving route?