Tips and Tricks to Make Your Beauty Routine Easier

I confessed in our Beauty DIY article on creating nail polishes that I am a huge makeup hoarder, and being a makeup hoarder comes with a load of issues. I compile useless makeup with no purpose and this is spread out everywhere, like literally, everywhere. This makes it difficult to accomplish my beauty routine. Searching through a big bin of makeup with one hand still wet with polish while holding my hair ties in the other hand should be part of the Olympics, just sayin'.
While searching for a solution to my organization and beauty woes, I came across some awesome tips, tricks and products that are sure to make my primpin' a whole lot easier!
Tip #1: DIY Beauty Tool Magnetic Organizer

Finding a bobby pin in my room is like finding a needle in a haystack. I'll be following my own advice and attach a magnetic strip to my bathroom wall or cabinet door for easy-to-find bobby pins, tweezers and nail files.
Tip #2: DIY Hair Accessory Holder

'Where did I put that that hair tie?' This fix zaps that problem (and it's super cheap and easy) - just store hair ties and hair clips on a toilet paper or paper towel roll.
Tip #3: DIY Carry Case for Makeup Brushes

Another super simple DIY! Create your very own makeup brush travelling kit by weaving elastic through the bamboo sticks in a rolling mat and then securing the ends. Full tutorial here.
Tip #4: Smudge-Free Nails

We know you can relate, when you just finish perfectly painting your nails and then the phone rings... Dilemma! If you're in a bind, try spraying Pam cooking spray on your nails for a smudge free set.
Tip #5: Get Organized!
Of course, the number one tip anyone can give you is to simply be organized and tidy and have a clean working space, but if you're like me that's a mighty tall order!
Look for interesting trays, bowls and jars in thrift stores, online or in boutiques for cute and more visually interesting ways to store your makeup! Here are 10 items that fit the bill:

1. Compartment Accessory Drawer Organizer (C$11.89 sale)
2. Ikea Skubb Compartment Box (C$8.99)
3. Simple Solutions Mesh Revolving Cabinet Organizer (US$19.99)
4. Ikea Yngaren Jar (C$8.99)
5. Ikea Yngaren Bowl (C$6.99)

1. Umbra Mini Organizer Dish (C$24.99)
2. Umbra Tubo Organizer (C$14.99)
3. Sterilite 3 Drawer Medium Tower (C$13.00)
4. Sterilite 3 Drawer Storage Unit with Flip Lid (C$6.00)
5. Supply Source Nail Polish Table Display Rack (US$32.99)
Are you as disorganized as me when it comes to your beauty routine? How do you get yourself organized in the morning?