#Trending: Hot Half Naked Male Barista Coffee Shop? Um, Yes Please!

A coffee shop in Washington is waving the no shirt, no service policy. The all-male server coffee shop opened up in Spokane, Washington this past Valentine's day, and is offering all of it's customers a cup of coffee with a view. Yes, it's true Chicks, you can now receive a hot coffee with a smile and maybe get to touch some hot biceps.
Perfectly named, Hot Cup of Joe is the opposing coffee shop to the bikini barista shops, which feature ladies clad in nothing but itty bitty bikinis. Thankfully the owner Chris Mullins, 28, (who's an ex-stripper, btw) felt like the ladies of Washington needed some loving too and opened up this sent from heaven coffee shop.
Check out some of the hotties that work there:

I don't think I would mind a view of six pack with my morning latte. Sure, we can speculate about the hygeine issues and a coffee burn on the pecs would not be fun, but hey - let's not get off the topic at hand: hot guys. Hot Cup of Joe is also offering a dollar off to every male customer who dares to walk through the doors. But they haven't had much of a male reaction. The ladies on the other hand are loving it, because who doesn't love a yummy male treat with your coffee.
Mullins said he has no interest in following in the footsteps of the bikini coffee shop, which offers up Topless Tuesdays (yeah that was a thing...). “We’re not going to be wearing thongs,” he said. “There’s not going to be any implied nudity.” (Via The Spokesman Review)
All I can think of is Channing Tatum serving me a coffee while doing one of his dance routines from Magic Mike - I'm in!
What do you think ladies, would you want a side of abs with your coffee? What do you look for in a good coffee shop?