Trending in Beauty: Dip Dying and Brightly Coloured Hair

Posted by Alexandra C. | Wednesday April 25, 201223 comments

This spring, we're thinking pinks, purples, blues and oranges. Only, we're not talking about the latest fashion or nail trends. This is all about candy coloured hair! While we're totally crushing on the pastel mermaid-esque hair from afar, we're also wondering- is this trend wearable for the average chick? 

From Runway...

(images via,,

For the past few seasons, brightly dyed hair has been all over the runway. Thakoon (top left) and Issey Miyake (middle) showed a pastel pink and purples painted on thickly. While Prada (bottom left) and Peter Som took a more subtle approach fading brown and blonde into an orange. 

To Celebs! 

(images via,,

Celebrities like Kate Bosworth and Katy Perry have jumped on the coloured hair bandwagon. Katy is currently sporting a full head of a violet hue while Kate Bosworth opts for a bold blue dip dyed look. Supermodel Charlotte Free (bottom right) has even built a career on her trademark magenta hair.  

(left) Sultra Solid Extensions (C$22.00), (right) Color Fiend Black Blue Turquoise Tri Tipped Hair Extension 2 pack (US$6.00)

We've actually done our own experimenting with dip dying hair by using Kevin.Murphy Color.Bug to chalk our hair. Hair chalking (p.s. check out this video on DIY hair chalking) can add a burst of colour to any hair colour. However, it isn't permanent and will wash out in your next shampoo. If you're interested in spicing up your hair with some colour, we suggest investigating some clip-in coloured hair extensions. They'll be easy to put in, remove and you can change up your colour daily! 

So, what do you think of this candy coloured hair trend? Is this something you would try or have you tried it? 

(additional images via
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on April 25, 2012  beachbabe  4,164 said:

I love this idea of doing this for a summer party or something! I think if someone were to have this done long term, they'd have to have the right look to pull it off. Like Katy Perry. Love this though!

on April 25, 2012  GoneBatty  3,196 said:

I just don't get it. As a teenager I would have done this, but as an adult woman, who wants to look like a 'My Little Pony'??

on April 25, 2012  Bren  26,046 said:

When I was teenager I tried every hair color imaginable I actually am surprised I still have hair...Back then I could pull it off and loved the look...I love these looks above as well but for me it wouldn't work anymore.

I will never to this day forget the look on my Dads face picking me up at the hairdressers when I was about 14 and I walked out with bright blue hair...I was only going in for a haircut and ended up getting the blue color as well and from then on I loved trying different colors...My Mom and Dad ahhhh not so happy!lol

on April 25, 2012  Becky  13,128 said:

I love it! I've had tons of different colours in my hair (as those of you witness to my little experiment gone wrong know). I've had red hair, brown hair streaked blonde, blonde tips, bright red peekaboos, blue black hair. I think my most favourite is the medium honey-brown hair streaked blonde. I did that at home by myself, and I wish to God I remember how I did it :-/ I remember I dyed my eyebrows dark brown to match and it looked fabulous! Really suited me!

on April 25, 2012  luxx  2,176 said:

My hair has been many colors in the last 5 or 6 years. I love it, I know it might be over the top for some but I guess I'm just an over the top kind of girl. My hair is blue atm and i will be going for more of a violet color next week. I think it's fun and pretty and I may get tired of it 1 day but there isn't a certain age that I've chosen to stop at.
As long as you wear it with confidence you'll look great. I always get tons of compliments from women of all ages, many of them tell me how they wish or would love to do it. I always tell them to go for it, it's only hair you can always change it. You would be surprised how many elderly women come up to me and say they wished that they could have been young now because they would have liked to have done it.
If you don't want a whole head or want something not so permanent then go for streaks or extensions, you won't regret it. Don't be afraid to try it, in the 5-6 years I've done it no one has ever come up to me and made rude comments, only positive :)

on April 25, 2012  beautyinfinitum  2,817 said:

I would do it. I had different coloured hair as a teenager -- blue, purple, pink. I'd probably get coloured extensions this time though!

on April 25, 2012  LadyFlash  8,899 said:

I use to love having bright coloured hair. Had tangerine orange in my bangs, hot pink and purple even when I was younger. But now I just stick to a dark red. Although I'm itching for a slight change, so maybe blond peekaboos when the warmer weather comes around. But generally I think if you have a great style, wear make-up nicely all the time you can pull it off. You only live once so you might as well have fun while you're around! :)

on April 25, 2012  fredamans  12,209 said:

Sometimes you need to know when too much is too much. Color in your hair is okay if not too outrageous, than it looks foolish. Katy with purple hair looks foolish.... the girl with blonde and orange streaks in front, no so bad.

on April 25, 2012  sirenstarlight  7,239 said:

I love the very top photo of the baby pink at the the light light blonde.
I used to dye my hair a lot of funky colours in high school. But I've been out of high school for 10 years now and I can't imagine dying my hair any of those colours anymore.
Maybe I'm just getting boring as I age? lol

on April 25, 2012  Aliza  14,011 said:

I think it's fun if you can pull it off for a night out. It's probably not what you want to go to a client meeting with, but it's fun for the weekends. I have some red clip ins but may try some other colors.

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