Valentine Memories: The Good, the Bad, the 'Christina Aguilera'

Posted by Nora | Tuesday February 8, 201117 comments

I’ve said it before: I love Love. I never end a phone conversation with a family member without reminding them that I love them, I smother my niece and nephew with kisses and I struggle not to end every text message with an "XO". When you live like this it’s hard for Valentine’s Day to seem terribly important, but you won’t find me turning down an excuse to stimulate our economy with greeting cards and pink M&Ms. 

And so, I present to you my most memorable Valentines of all time:

Age 10: At school I sit down at my desk and discover a paper bag stuffed inside. It holds a necklace fashioned out of yarn and beads (purchased for 25 cents at a recent school carnival) and a piece of loose leaf paper from my sworn nemesis, telling me that he thinks I’m pretty.

As a fifth grade girl who looks a lot like her little brother, I accept both the compliment and the necklace.

Age 16: I have my first official boyfriend, who gives me my first official valentine dripping with promises of a love that will last forever. Before the Sweethearts Dance I go to the MAC counter with my father’s credit card and tell the ladies that I want to look like Christina Aguilera. I got my wish, went to the Dance looking like a hot tranny mess and loved every minute of it.

Age 22: I’ve moved to New York City, far away from friends and family back in the Midwest. Little did I know that 2 time zones away, my mother was posting her own "Valentines" around our Minneapolis neighborhood. When I got this photo in the mail, those 2 time zones felt like nothing at all.

Age 24: My BFF made me a series of Valentine’s celebrating our undying love for Law & Order: SVU and keeping alive my hope that someday we will co-star in a cop-drama on NBC.

Age 25: My boyfriend at the time fell off the face of the earth for no shorter than 3 days when he and his friend took a "last minute" trip to Amsterdam over Valentine’s Day. The bar is permanently lowered.

Age 27: Twilight! Chocolates! Yes, I like my sweets with a side of abstinence.

Age 28: Finally combining my love of fast food and romance: a coveted reservation at White Castle.

What was your most memorable Valentine’s Day?

by Nora McInerny
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on February 08, 2011  Ali de Bold  STAFF said:

HAha! Awesome as usual. A hot tranny mess for Vday at 16. Love it!! The story from when you were a kid is so adorable. It's like our moms always said, "If he picks on you, it's because he likes you." Though now they are saying that is exactly what we shouldn't say to little girls. But anyway... loved it!

on February 08, 2011  Becky  13,128 said:

@Nora: Wow girl what a fun read!! Again, hint hint, come out with a chick lit gf you'll be a hit :) Loved reading your article. Especially age Age 27: love with a side of abstinence..hilarious!! :)

@dolce: When I was 4yrs old my parents and I moved to the UK. Back "home" I was everyone's princess. Not only was I well loved & well pampered, the loving and pampering was done to such an extent that I actually thought I really WAS a princess! I literally thought my parents were kings and queens and I was a princess. I went around telling everyone in my kindergarten in UK that in my country I was a princess and my parents were king/queen. I was revered by the other kids ;-) lol The funny part was, technically I wasn't lying, I genuinely believed that I was royalty. Your VDay story reminds me of that :)

on February 08, 2011  dolce_bellissima  4,214 said:

Nora, this is hilarious! I especially like the age 10 Valentine story, it reminds me of my first ever Valentines day, when I moved to Canada. I never knew about Valentines day, so unlike the other kids whose parents helped them write up their V-day cards for the other kids the night before, my parents were as clueless as I was. So, it was in grade 3, Feb 14th, that I received my first V-day card's and boy was I convinced that everyone was in love with me.. I mean why else would people give me so many cards? haha.

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