We Love Fridays: Hot Pop Factory 3D Printed Jewelry

Posted by Alexandra C. | Friday February 15, 20138 comments

This is the one and only time you'll ever hear me geek out. I obsessively watch YouTube videos on 3D printing. I swear this is the stuff of sci fi tv shows from the 60's. I mentioned my love for 3D printers in my Apocalypse Shopping Haul, that's how cool I think they are.

If you aren't so familiar with the concept of 3D printing, I'll explain the basics of what you need to know (and keep in mind that I'm pretty Mac illiterate so this is laymen's terms sparks notes). You input what you want to print or you can also scan with a Kinect camera that connects with a printer. The printer then prints using thin layers of plastic to create an object. Check out this video for a visual explanation of 3D printing. 

Have a moment to take that all in. Cool, amirite?

I was recently introduced to the company Hot Pop Factory who creates jewelry from 3D printers. Check out some of their designs: 

The deisgns have an architectural look with clean lines and are influenced by geometric figures. 
I mentioned earlier that you can scan with a Kinect camera to produce something and this actually works amazingly well to recreate someone's likeness. I went to a very cool event with Hot Pop Factory where they scanned people to produce figurines, bobble heads and other cool trinkets. 

Because of the labour, time, and materials that go into these pieces, they are a bit pricier than jewelry that you'd pick up at your local H&M. But knowing that you have a piece of the future? Well, that's pretty priceless. Check out their site for more details and to find out where you can purchase their products.

Have you heard of 3D printing before? Do you think this is something you would purchase?
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on February 16, 2013  nscott84  4,013 said:

Lol as a matter of fact I heard of 3d printing on my favorite show (the big bang theory). They didn't make anything as nice as this jewelry and I think its creative! I'm going to check it out.

on February 15, 2013  smiley_gen  9,832 said:


on February 15, 2013  chel  602 said:

Interesting concept, but not sure i'd be willing to pay that much for something like that...

on February 15, 2013  egreens  318 said:

This is pretty cool! I like the geo pieces but i'm not sure about the necklace heads...kind of spooky!

on February 15, 2013  fredamans  12,209 said:

Not my thing, but cute on teens.

on February 15, 2013  anhyalo  988 said:

I think the figurines are really neat! I really like the idea of having a necklace made from a friend/loved ones image...super cool.

on February 15, 2013  takoda  28,648 said:

I have heard of 3D printers before and have I have seen them work, on TV not in person. I never thought about having jewelry printed out, to cool ya. I'm not big on these peace either, but I love how we can do so many cool new things. It makes me wonder what we're in for in the future.

on February 15, 2013  KatelynRose1984  20,704 said:

These pieces are very cool and unique, but not really my style. I also really appreciate when people take the time to produce quality pieces, that will last almost a lifetime.

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