We Love Fridays 'Mommy and Me Edition': The Cutest Onesies Ever

Posted by Alexandra C. | Friday June 15, 201219 comments

Sometimes something is just too cute not to share. That's definitely the case with these onesies I found at an Etsy shop called The Wishing Elephant. I just happened to stumble upon them one day and I thought to myself, I must have a child right now and dress them up as a piece of salmon sushi. This needs to happen. 

How can you resist a baby dressed as a piece of sushi on a bed of rice and greens? How? The cuteness doesn't stop there though, there are also onsies for twins who want to be a PB+J sandwich, an old school Gameboy onesie and a sailor onesie too! My favourite has to be the 'rabbit in a hat' onesie though. I love that top hat skirt. Way too adorable.  

The onesies range in price from US$18.00 to US$43.00.
More by Alexandra C.
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on June 15, 2012  loganachris  401 said:

I like the video game onesie.

on June 15, 2012  farouknabela  3,469 said:

Haha this is so cute and creative!!

on June 15, 2012  GoneBatty  3,196 said:

SO sweet!!! Too bad my youngest has outgrown onesies.

on June 15, 2012  Bren  26,046 said:

awww such cute baby clothes..

on June 15, 2012  Aliza  14,011 said:

So cute!

on June 15, 2012  Tiffmorris  1,792 said:

Adorable! Too bad my neices and nephew are all too old for onesies.

on June 15, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

These are so cute, it's to bad I don't have any little one's to buy for.

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