We Love Fridays: N.A.P. Massaging Bed Chair (a.k.a. the best thing ever)

Posted by Alexandra C. | Friday March 23, 201217 comments

While I love a good walk in the park just as much as the next girl, sometimes you just need to slow it down, take a breather and veg out completely. Which, brings me to my new favourite item in the world: the N.A.P. Massaging Bed Chair. It's exactly what it sounds like too, think of a lazy boy without the reclining because this one simply sits on your bed, massaging away those aches and pains. 

Not only is this baby crazy comfy but it also comes with the smart benefit of having a cup holder and sleeves for books, or whatever else you may need. One of my favourite things about this as well, is the overhead reading light. I love how gratuitously cozy this bed chair is!

Of course, when you're finished, it folds neatly away and it's ready to be tucked in any nook or cranny. At US$99.99, this one isn't cheap but it isn't too bad either and with a whole bunch of gifting days around the corner (Mothers and Fathers Day!), I think this would be an awesome gift!

Are you as in love with this item as I am? What's your comfy cozy guilty pleasure?
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on March 23, 2012  AlexJC  50 said:

@Becky I didn't get to try this one actually, but maybe they will see this and send me over a few as a thank you??? #wishfulthinking

on March 23, 2012  Becky  13,128 said:

Wow.. I want!!! Alexandra did you get to try it? How's the massage?

on March 23, 2012  Aliza  14,011 said:

This sounds great!! Looks great for back support too!

on March 23, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

Yes I saw that, I guess I should have said on Amazon.com they weren't available at this time. Sorry about that Alex. I sure would love to get my hands on one, or should I say my back!LOL

on March 23, 2012  AlexJC  50 said:

Hey Takoda- here's where I found the product,

on March 23, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

I tried looking for a place to buy one on line, but its not available at this time. They must have sold out every where, bummer!

on March 23, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

I want one, now!! This looks and sounds like something I could really
use. With my bad back and neck it would be great for me and the price
isn't to bad either.

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