Weekend Movie Recommendation: Amelie

Last night the Mister went out with friends, and I saw this as a welcome excuse to watch a girly movie. I realized after looking around Blockbuster for 20 minutes that the pickings were rather slim, so I chose an old favorite.
For those of you who, inexplicably, have not yet seen Amelie, you are missing a real treat! This French film stars Audrey Tautou (recently seen in The Da Vinci Code) as a waitress who spends her time fixing her friends' lives, but eventually realizes that she needs to change her own. Her zany adventures are hilarious and endearing, and her own love story is the stuff chick flicks are made of.
This movie reminds me of Emma in its plot and uses a similar narrative style as The Royal Tenenbaums. If you loved either of those movies, you will adore Amelie!
Heads up: the movie is in French, but has subtitles.