Would You Try This: The Metallic Lip

Posted by Alexandra C. | Friday January 3, 201415 comments

With the new year, comes a fresh start and a chance to throw caution to the wind and take a chance on something new. This year I am starting with beauty. While I'm totally not afraid of brights and bold red matte lip is my go-to, there is one lip trend that sends a shiver up my spine: the metallic shimmer lip. Just the name conjures up images in my head of 90's girl bands and frosted candy scented lip glosses. Ick. 

However, Dior made that 90's Spice Girls look totally chic and next level when they put it on the catwalk for the metallic lip on models for their most recent couture show. 


Makeup artist Pat McGrath created the look that matched illuminated skin and bright eyes without being too flashy and cheesy. The look was modern and high fashion. The models look so good I want to steal this look ASAP but I'm also dubious of the wearability of this one. 

It's super cool but should it be reserved for runways? Do you think this is passable on the street? At work, parties, nights out? Let me know if you think I can pull of the metallic lip and if you'd test it out for yourself. 

Pro Tip: You can DIY the metallic lip by adding a glittery gloss on top of a lipstick then setting it with a light reflecting pigment. Here are a few products to try out if you're feeling brave:

1. Sephora Collection Cream Lip Stain (C$16.00)

2. Yves Saint Laurent Golden Gloss Shimmering Lip Gloss (C$36.00)

3. Dior Addict Gloss (C$31.00)

4. Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Moderncraft Lip Tar Collection (C$22.00)

5. MAC Pigment (C$25.00)

(images via xsparkage.comlifestylemirror.comrefinery29.commakeup-box.comfashionthrill.com) 
More by Alexandra C.
More on Eyes, Lips, Face

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on January 14, 2014  ikandi  1,355 said:

I don't like this trend. It just doesn't seem practical for my everyday life.

on January 09, 2014  KatelynRose1984  20,704 said:

The bottom two pictures look really nice. But the top, not so much - in my opinion. Personally, I would not wear this on a daily basis - but for a night out, it could be fun!

on January 07, 2014  jl13  2,934 said:

Cargo glosses often have a but of metallic to them. I'd do a metallic lip stick and shine up or down depended on event with the gloss.

on January 06, 2014  Anjanie777  1,682 said:

I think you can do this look in moderation. Like all make-up trends, you can always take it to the level you want to. I would rock this look in the daytime and nighttime. It can be toned down in the day, and revved up in the night. I would probably use a pinkish colour, because that works for me, but nudes with a peach undertone work for me too.

Living vicariously through my make-up is a great way to 'spice up your life' !
Ha! You ladies see what I did there???

on January 06, 2014  boxcat  861 said:

I think it'd be okay as long as you used very subtle makeup everywhere else, and it was for the right event (a night at the club rather than dinner with the grandparents).

on January 06, 2014  Granola Girl  2,936 said:

I think they all look great in the pictures, but this is a look for the young gals (I mean like, 20something!) I can't imagine how creepy this would look on my slightly older lips when the edges start to 'bleed' and the glitter gets into those tiny, heretofore imperceptible lines! :) I'll leave this look for the spring chicks!

on January 06, 2014  scamp101  1,285 said:

I like the metallic lip but def for parties/nite time. I also think it looks really nice the darker skin you have, not so much with paler skin.

on January 06, 2014  Steffikah  9,295 said:

I wouldn't. I much prefer a matte lip

on January 05, 2014  Charmheart16  3,985 said:

It would definitely depend on the shade. For a night out, it could work. The one in the bottom left looks pretty wearable.

on January 04, 2014  shanaz  5,961 said:

I'd rock this all day erryday.

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