Yay or Nay: Anne Hathaway's Dominatrix Tom Ford Boots

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday December 17, 201287 comments

Alright chicks, first, I need you all to spend a minute looking at Anne Hathaway in this Tom Ford number. Take it all in. You're going to need a while to fully understand what is exactly going on, 'cause this baby is a doozy.

Got it all chicks? Now, before we go any further I do need to say one thing upfront: I like this. 

I know, I know, I know! It's crazy but sometimes love is crazy. The heart wants what the heart wants. I just think those crazy strappy boots are incredible and totally badass. And she has a built-in cape with this outfit. Built. In. Cape. The coolness factor is just blowing the charts. It kind of reminds me of a classy, coutured up Courtney Love situation. I'm digging it. 

Also, check out this face. Slicked back hair and an oxblood lip? To die for! She is working this with everything she's got and I applaud her! 

Am I totally bananas for liking this? What do you think? Vote yay or nay by December 23rd to win! 

(images via tomandlorenzo.com)
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on December 22, 2012  cutie_marlena  3,191 said:

Nay. The material looks like it's a garbage bag with a second garbage back tied to the back for the "cape". While I'm all for an awesome cape (who wouldn't want to feel like a super hero?), this one looks cheap (agani, garbage bag), and bulky...not as though it would help one fly lol. The boots (can you even calls those boots?) are honestly kind of cool. I don't think I would wear them, and I don't like them with this dress, but they're very unique and badass. The lip colour is very pretty, but I miss her long hair.

on December 22, 2012  Steffikah  9,295 said:

No, I definitely agree... she is working it! This is definitely a yay for me. It's a different look for her but it works!

on December 21, 2012  MistyRios  278 said:

Only thing I like about this is the boots

on December 21, 2012  ellstar  5,069 said:

I love the dress, makeup and styling but that heel looked like a knee brace.

on December 21, 2012  jl13  2,934 said:

Oh no, I try to support these girls testing the fashion waters but this is a bit much.

Dominatrix boots? They look like a medical brace treat bowlegged-ness in the 1930's (!)

Also, I don't think we are getting the whole story on this dress, is this a flying chipmunk dress? What is tied to her wrist?

The make up suits it but also keeps the hard edge, which it definitely does not need more of. I would have tried to soften it a bit somewhere.

Sorry Anne. EPIC FAIL.

on December 21, 2012  KatelynRose1984  20,704 said:

It's cool, but this is the outfit where she flashed everyone her "area" - so NAY for me!

on December 21, 2012  pepermint179  770 said:

Nay, not a fan of her wardrobe but I do love Anne!

on December 21, 2012  TeacupAlchemist  488 said:

Nay due to the shoes.

on December 21, 2012  Anjanie777  1,682 said:

Yay! Definitely for the boots and for her boldness! Its Anne's version of her Catwoman avatar and a bit of girlish class from Les Mis! Yay indeed! Happy Christmas everyone!

on December 20, 2012  christy101  572 said:

nay for the boots...

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