Yay or Nay: Christina Hendricks in Leather on the Red Carpet

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday October 15, 2012102 comments

I loved Christina Hendricks in Drive and I loved her in Mad Men but I don't love her in this leather, A-line skater type dress. Don't get me wrong, trying new ways to wear leather is tons of fun. A cute little dress in this cut can be extremely flattering but both of these done together just isn't working for me. 

I think Ms. Hendricks deserves better from an outfit, don't you? She's got that incredible curvy figure and I just can't understand why she insisted on covering it up with a turtle neck and long sleeves. I'm a big believer in balancing your outfit. So with a longer hemline, I would have appreciated a bit of skin on top. Why not? She's trying to play dangerous with leather, but the outfit has absolutely no sex appeal. It's dull, boring, and just plain no fun. Christina, you can do better. It's time to break up with dress. 

What do you think of Christina's leather dress? Is this one a yay or a nay? Leave a comment below by October 21st and you could win! 
(images via zimbio.com, gofugyourself.com, tomandlorenzo.com)
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on October 15, 2012  shanaz  5,961 said:

Nay :(

on October 15, 2012  cutie_marlena  3,191 said:

Heck nay! I wouldn't like this dress no matter the fabric, but leather is the absolute worst for it. The dress does nothing for her figure and the leather just doesn't seem to make sense with this dress.

on October 15, 2012  mystictiger  3,241 said:

nay... this is ugly.

on October 15, 2012  TiffCT  995 said:

its too early and not that on a red carpet

on October 15, 2012  NatalieM  1,320 said:

nay, i don't think this would be a good look on anyone!

on October 15, 2012  midnightsun2288  6,053 said:

Nay! If she has a stylist she should fire them, if she doesn't she should get one right away!

on October 15, 2012  fredamans  12,209 said:

NAY! Just ew.

on October 15, 2012  Kewald  2,141 said:

Nay, do not love where the dress sits on her, It reminds me of morticia from the adams family. A little boring as well

on October 15, 2012  shagtownlady  9,255 said:

The style of the dress reminds me of stuff she's worn on Mad Men, and she always looks gorgeous on that show. But the leather doesn't do it for me, so it's definitely a nay! If it were another fabric, I think it would definitely work.

on October 15, 2012  azazel  1,775 said:


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