Yay or Nay: Diane Kruger Does a Sheer Lace Skirt

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday June 25, 2012147 comments

Diane Kruger is no stranger to the Yay or Nay chopping block but this time around, I'm going to be much kinder to her! 

First of all, and I believe I have said this before, but Diane Kruger is absolutely gorgeous. Is it weird to say that I want to borrow her skin and hair? And those cheekbones, my word Diane, where did they come from and how can I get myself a pair? Diane's face is absolutely gorgeous and I don't think that's debatable so let's move on to the yay or nay, shall we? 

(via justjared.com)  
At first, this outfit is a little weird, but I swear it's only because you're trying to figure it out. I will admit that at first, I was confused as to what exactly Diane was wearing. Was it a dress, a skirt? Were those shorts underneath, was it a mini skirt? Then I realised that trying to figure out what she was wearing exactly, was just taking away from it's awesomeness. 

This magenta hued sheer lace is amazing! Diane looks (this may seem like a strange word to use and pardon my French) totally badass in this outfit. I love the idea of layering a mini dress with a sheer maxi skirt over top! Why has no one done this before? It's sexy without being too revealing and classy without being too stuffy. 

It's hot and I am all for it. What do you chicks think? Has the heatwave gotten to me? Am I totally nuts for loving this? Leave a comment and vote yay or nay by July 1st to win!
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on June 28, 2012  Briit  2,104 said:

NAY NAY NAY! I don't think anyone should wear this. Doesn't do anything for her... pointless in my opinion!

on June 28, 2012  amyknows  2,352 said:

I'm going to say Nay. It the lace didn't go past the solid skirt/short/whatever, I think I'd love it soooo much better. It's a really beautiful colour and she looks absolutely stunning. :)

on June 28, 2012  meredith  745 said:


on June 28, 2012  Susy Correia said:


on June 28, 2012  jeinsberry  473 said:

nay!!! i don't think anyone should wear that!

on June 28, 2012  Dez239  1,223 said:

Nay. I hate it. It looks like she forgot her pants and just wrapped a lace curtain around her.

on June 28, 2012  prettyrainbow  21,020 said:

Nay...It seems out of place...

on June 28, 2012  jl13  2,934 said:

I say Yay, it is a pretty 'accessory' for over a mini dress.

on June 27, 2012  sparkletangerine  1,103 said:

NAY!!!!....gah! why would you do this to yourself?

on June 27, 2012  JFRahamoni  857 said:

Nay, she looks weird in this dress.Though I like her makeup.

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