Yay or Nay: Fergie Wears Colour Blocking Trend

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday February 13, 2012110 comments

She's fergalicious, that's for sure, but can she pull off the colour blocking trend? And in leather and shoulder pads no less? 

Fergie was recently spotted strutting her stuff in an airport with arm-candy-husband Josh Duhamel. First, let me say that this lady seems to be showing no signs of aging. I must figure out what her secret is. Now that that's over with, let's get into the outfit. 

Starting from the top, the wayfarer shades are a chic staple. A bit played out but nonetheless effortlessly stylish.

Next let's go to the top and blazer combo. The neckline is a bit high for me but I adore this sky blue colour,  gorgeous on pretty much anyone. The blazer has a bit too much material for my taste. A sleek, sophisticated and modern cut, even with the shoulder pads, would have brought this look together. The open style of the blazer feels too slouchy for this outfit. 

I actually love the pants, though I am not sure how well they fit her. This minty, fresh green is stunning especially on Fergie. Leather pants aren't exactly the easiest thing in the world to pull off but I give props to her for being so bold. I like the pastel-esque colour set she pulled out here, though others at CA HQ disagreed. Her peep-toes and oversized leather bag aren't all that exciting but go well with the outfit. 

I give Fergie an A- for colour blocking skills but an F for fit. What do you think? Is this outfit a yay or nay?

Leave us a comment by February 19th for a chance to win a prize! 

(images via justjared.com)
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on February 14, 2012  Angelatron  438 said:

I like the pieces separate, not together.

on February 13, 2012  Patricia  6,845 said:

Nay! Not an easy outfit to wear. I don't like it on Fergie.

on February 13, 2012  luxx  2,176 said:

Nay, there's something about the shade of green that doesn't go with the blue.

on February 13, 2012  beachbabe  4,164 said:

I think the blazer would like nicer more tailored but overall I like the outfit. So I say yay!

on February 13, 2012  Unw4nt3d  1,454 said:

Nay, the green is a little too catchy...and the neckline is really too high. The green leather pants with the mint green shirt is tacky, it's like having denim on denim (denim jacket jeans).

on February 13, 2012  princesspopa  561 said:

Nay! The colour looks like a baby blanket and nothing seems to fit right. Also she's not showing any skin except for her feet which I have to say aren't the best aspect of women. The neck is too high and the blazer and pants are too loose.
What's she hiding?? Haha just kidding.

on February 13, 2012  Dinah123  1,236 said:

Nay it's more monochromatic than colour blocking! It didn't seem too bad at first but after a while my eyes starting hurting...that's gotta be a sign of a bad outfit :P

on February 13, 2012  mela86  2,943 said:

Yay, I like it on her.

on February 13, 2012  Sweetpea7  1,150 said:

Nay...would have been better with a different jacket-fit wise.

on February 13, 2012  BlondeBrittany  1,000 said:

Nay... I agree... it doesn't seem to fit her properly! I do like the pants tho.

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