Yay or Nay: Gwyneth Paltrow Shows Some Side Butt

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday April 29, 201378 comments

We all know that side boobage is a thing. A little ta-ta peeking out from the side is just the right amount of scandalous flirtation. It's not for everyone, but overall I think we can say that when it works, it werks.

At the recent Iron Man 3 red carpet premiere, my girl GP took it to a whole new level with a flash of side butt. Yup. So I guess it's a thing now too?

Gwenie seems to have an affinity for bizarre dresses. This one is just as weird as the last. Is it possible to have a dress that is equal parts crazy risqué and all covered up and modest? 

From the front, Goop's dress is kimono inspired, and I can dig that. From the side however... well, check. Out. Her. Butt. That curve is all up in there. 

I don't know why this is necessary. I will admit to having some unresolved personal issues with GP, so maybe my judgement is clouded but I do not get this dress. No one needs to see that much side butt. Even if you are "the most beautiful woman"

What do you think of this dress? Is it a yay or a nay? Leave a comment below by May 5th and you could win! 

(images via huffingtonpost.com
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on May 02, 2013  dramachic said:

No one needs to show that much - such a weird dress...

on May 02, 2013  Melly  391 said:

It might be a lil much but I kind of like it! If anyone can pull it off, it's Gwyneth!! This is a toss up, I don't see everyone pulling this look off but for those that have the physique & confidence....why not??

on May 02, 2013  KylaE  897 said:

Nay! Just the term -" side butt" sounds disastrous. And looks just as bad. What's funny is how ridiculous she felt when she was on Ellen the next day and they discussed the dress. Yikes! The " worlds most beautiful woman" can do better.

on May 02, 2013  justjenne  1,755 said:

I love her, but this was a mistake and I hope it doesn't catch on. I never want to see anyone, no matter how beautiful they are, rocking a dress, or skirt, like this. It is very unappealing, and the dress as a whole is quite the miss. It isn't even flattering, and she has a great body. NAY!

on May 02, 2013  ems001  9,358 said:

NAY - way too much butt is showing....if the sliver was a bit smaller (thinner) maybe...but the dress is not even pretty to begin with, so showing that much skin, just makes it more trashy.

on May 02, 2013  Creamsicle  60 said:

Love the front, hate the sides!

on May 02, 2013  Becky  13,128 said:

Nay... no no no .. seriously? She doesn't need to go to that lengths. It's not going to change opinion on her and the whole 'most beautiful' thing. She should just stick to classy.

on May 02, 2013  Vivid  1,738 said:

nay, that would not be an attractive look on most people

on May 02, 2013  improperganda  670 said:

Nay, she doesnt have the figure for it. If it was something with a bootay then I think it would look a lot better.

on May 01, 2013  Lady C  367 said:

Nay! She needs better friends. A good friend would have vetoed this dress and side butt action.

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