Yay or Nay: Jessica Biel on Red Carpet in Oscar de la Renta

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday November 26, 2012116 comments

Jessica Biel and I have a complicated relationship. For starters, she married my middle school crush so right off the bat, I kind of hate her. 

Secondly, I still haven't moved on from her Seventh Heaven days. All I can see when I look at her is that troublesome teenager named Mary. Which is why I had such a hard time seeing how she could pull off anything more fashion forward than jeans and a t-shirt.

At the NYC premiere of Hitchcock (which I am really looking forward to seeing BTW), Jessica tried to change my mind again, this time in a sparkly number by Oscar de la Renta. 

Now maybe it's the holiday spirit getting to me, but I'm kind of loving this look! Embellished lady trouser? Sign me up! And a sequin tunic? Sold. I'm totally on board. Add to that some really gorgeous jewels and an oxblood lip and Jessica has me swooning. 

It's a glamorous look but a bit edgy. Its not overly feminine, which I think is a nice modern and refreshing take. Also, can we please talk about her hair? How is it so shiny? What magic has she cast on it to give it that sheen? 

What do you think of this look? Is it a yay or a nay? Leave a comment below with your vote and you could win!   
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on November 30, 2012  musicfreak47  484 said:

Love her hair, make up, nails and earrings. Cannot stand anything else! Definitely a nay! And what's with those blinged out granny shoes?!

on November 29, 2012  roadee  2,181 said:

Love the make up. Hate the outfit. She's a great looking girl. She can do a lot better.

on November 29, 2012  caryn1983  767 said:

I think she looks great as she always does:) so Yay!

on November 29, 2012  ellstar  5,069 said:

I hate the entire outfit, all the way to the shoes, her bangs and her lipstick. Whuh is happening?!

on November 29, 2012  prettyrainbow  21,020 said:

Yay for the top, makeup and hair but nay for the trousers. This should have been a dress instead. It would have been perfect then.

on November 29, 2012  jennduro  428 said:

Nay I don't like the outfit at all. Her hair and makeup is lovely though.

on November 29, 2012  Huskyfrompluto  2,153 said:

Yay! This is awesome!! I love Sparklie!

on November 29, 2012  Diana3 said:

I agree that this would be much better as a dress. The earrings and ring are gorgeous!

on November 29, 2012  Dream24  2,148 said:

Nay, this outfit doesn't flatter her

on November 29, 2012  Jozutts  897 said:

Nay. Although if the pants were different I would have probably said Yay.

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