Yay or Nay: Katy Perry's Sheer Outfit

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday March 5, 2012127 comments

Ummmm, Katy, I don't know how to say this but, uh, you forgot to put on your pants this morning. 

Ms. Katy Perry was recently spotted (single and ready to mingle!) at Paris Fashion Week wearing an outfit, that literally leaves me speechless. I don't know what words to use to describe this outfit, because it is just so bizarre. 

I think this outfit has every single trend incorporated into it. There's leather, sheer, drawstrings, mullet hemlines, eyelets and of course, last not least, booty shorts. 

My one question for Ms. Perry is: aren't you cold? 

What do you think of this outfit? Should we give her kudos for her fashion bravery? Is this a yay or nay?

Leave a comment for us down below with your vote, by March 11th! One randomly selected commenter will win a prize!

(via justjared.com)
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on March 27, 2012  AlexJC  50 said:

This contest is now closed and the winner is........ Sweetpea7! Congrats lady! Thanks to all who entered!

on March 11, 2012  [email protected] said:

Yay! Katy Perry rocks!!! If she isn't wearing cupcakes she's wearing sheer-whatever! besides what really matches with bright blue hair anyways?!?!!

on March 10, 2012  Farm wife  267 said:


on March 10, 2012  XuShelly  598 said:

I'd say yay if she had pants on, so nay. :|

on March 10, 2012  Christine L.  1,399 said:


on March 10, 2012  midnightsun2288  6,053 said:

Nay, it's not trend-setting or fashion forward, just embarrassing

on March 09, 2012  amandagallen  574 said:


on March 09, 2012  crazysexycool90  742 said:

nay! if you are going to wear that, you might as feel should have just worn the underwear alone..the slip does not add class,,sorry this is a fail

on March 09, 2012  sallyjenner  116 said:

nay , that's going a little overboard

on March 09, 2012  chinook92  3,675 said:

Oh so Nay! What was she thinking. You know, she is such a pretty girl but this outfit does not do her justice. I do like her shoes and her purse is a pretty colour.

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