Yay or Nay: Katy Perry's Sheer Outfit

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday March 5, 2012127 comments

Ummmm, Katy, I don't know how to say this but, uh, you forgot to put on your pants this morning. 

Ms. Katy Perry was recently spotted (single and ready to mingle!) at Paris Fashion Week wearing an outfit, that literally leaves me speechless. I don't know what words to use to describe this outfit, because it is just so bizarre. 

I think this outfit has every single trend incorporated into it. There's leather, sheer, drawstrings, mullet hemlines, eyelets and of course, last not least, booty shorts. 

My one question for Ms. Perry is: aren't you cold? 

What do you think of this outfit? Should we give her kudos for her fashion bravery? Is this a yay or nay?

Leave a comment for us down below with your vote, by March 11th! One randomly selected commenter will win a prize!

(via justjared.com)
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on March 05, 2012  Nicky9doors  166 said:

Nay! Although I admire Katy Perry, this outfit is a bit unfashionable for her usual self. She does look beautiful though! xoxo

on March 05, 2012  Starbelly  408 said:

No one wants to see your chonies especially if you're wearing your monthlies chonies!

on March 05, 2012  catty81  1,022 said:

Nay, It is a little weird and extreme for my liking.

on March 05, 2012  Patricia  6,845 said:

Swing and a miss.....!

on March 05, 2012  bdeyell86  2,033 said:

I liked the outfit until I saw the bottoms! I love her blue hair, it looks good on her. But because of the bottom it's NAY.

on March 05, 2012  Bren  26,031 said:

Oh My!It looks like she grabbed some sheer curtains and tried to make a skirt!NAY

on March 05, 2012  abigailtan  289 said:

I was liking the top off her outfit until i saw the bottom. NAY!

on March 05, 2012  mamaluv  STAFF said:

I think it's the fact that she's wearing hot pants that nudges her outfit to this side of acceptable (in a decency sense). However, Battlestar Galactica called and they want their Number Six outfit back...

Can I also say that the whole ensemble actually draws my eye to her pretty salmon bag and that electric blue hair that I'm shocked to say I'm kinda digging?

on March 05, 2012  Lisa said:

Oh dear! That is just horrible.

on March 05, 2012  BlondeBrittany  1,000 said:

Nay... I just don't like it.. and I agree.. Where is her pants? I do love the mint green tho!

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