Yay or Nay: Kelly Osbourne's Lilac Hairstyle

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday May 7, 2012162 comments

When Kelly Osbourne walked the red carpet at this year's Golden Globes, she did it in gray. Kelly was sporting a silvery, steely gray hair colour and we'll be honest, it wasn't our favourite look. Paired with a deep blue gown, her cool look made us want to give her the cold shoulder. 

Recently, she transformed her silver hair by jumping on the candy coloured hair trend bandwagon and dying her hair a lilac purple.  

When I first saw this, I wasn't sure if I could give Ms. Osbourne a pass but this look has grown on me. I like the fact that her edgy hair is contrasted with a very classic cut and look. It's sophisticated but also really trendy at the same time. Sure, it's a bit avant garde but this pale purple actually really works with Kelly's skin tone and her bright pink lips. 

Can I also point out that I'm actually really loving this retro dress on her? The plaid blocked with the black works well with her hair. The form fitting dress is very flattering on Ms. Osbourne's curvy bod. All in all, a think a hearty 'well played, Kelly' is deserved. 

What do you chicks think? Is this one a yay or nay? Leave a comment below with your vote by May 13th and you could win!

(via justjared.com)

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on May 08, 2012  Ana123  245 said:

It's a nay way!!!! She looks stunning however, the hair color is horrible. Hair color should always stay in the natural tones, so that it goes with the other features of our body, that is probably the reason why lilacs is not a color that a person can be born with. She looks like an alien supermodel!!

on May 08, 2012  annmarie  4,261 said:

Nay. Totally just makes her look older than she seems.

on May 08, 2012  mkay647  538 said:

yay@! i like it!

on May 08, 2012  beautyfiend  621 said:

Nay. I would love it if she went a bright purple though.

on May 08, 2012  sarahmassie  656 said:

Nay - Not her greatest look.

on May 08, 2012  marshadiane  5,627 said:

Absolutely not. She looks so old.

on May 08, 2012  carlyk  1,398 said:

Nay, it doesn't really suit her...makes me think of Ursela from the Little Mermaid!

on May 08, 2012  Shopper-221  608 said:

Nay..I'm not a big fan. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't paired with the bright lipstick?

on May 08, 2012  Guppy  2,819 said:

I like it! Even if it reminds me of the lavendar rinse old ladies used to get, its fun to see all the clearly unnatural colours in hairstyles today.

on May 08, 2012  AvaMif  4,100 said:

Nay for sure it's just not her colour makes her look older then she is

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