Yay or Nay: Kristen Stewart at 'Snow White and the Huntsman' Premiere

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday May 21, 2012131 comments

One of the hot summer movies coming out soon is Snow White and the Huntsman. I am a huge fan of the hottie Chris Hemsworth (who's playing the hunstman) so I will most definitely be checking out the film. I could go on for days about how hot Chris is, but this Yay or Nay isn't about him. It's about the ever lovely, if slightly angry looking Kristen Stewart. 

First, we need to address what's going on with her face. Why the scowl Kristen? Jeez, why not try and be at least a little bit happy at your own movie premiere. Besides the angsty look on her face, Kristen actually doesn't look too bad here. Her makeup is dramatic and smokey, but against her pale skin it's the perfect look for her Snow White premiere. 

Now it's time to dissect this outfit. At first, it's a bit shocking. There is a lot of nudity and skin showing going on here. After a while though, it kind of grew on me. It's intense and out there, but I like this look on her. Kristen is usually so demure and unwilling to go glam, so it is nice to see her in something couture. 

The beading and pattern is actually very flattering. I like that the dress is long but also sheer. The one thing I don't love is the odd collection of lace material around her hips. Is it just me, or does it look super awkward?  
So, I'm going to give K-Stew a Yay for this number. She's looking hot and I think it is well deserved. What do you think? Is this one a yay or nay? Leave a comment by May 27th with your vote and you could be a winner! 
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on May 22, 2012  sirenstarlight  7,239 said:

I'm not a fan of hers anyways, but this outfit is terrible!

on May 21, 2012  JennyN  662 said:

This is just awful. I lugged when I first saw it, it looks like she has grown tons hair in all the places hairy middle aged men have hair. Makeup is nothing special. She just looks like a hot mess, and by the expression on her face, she knows it.

on May 21, 2012  GoneBatty  3,196 said:

NAY! The dress is frumpy :(

on May 21, 2012  annmarie  4,261 said:

Nay for me

on May 21, 2012  suigeneris  2,244 said:

NAY! This outfit is like the bad product of a cross between a figure skater's costume (with all the nude patches) and a witch's outfit. Plus, is it just be or does the dress look like a Halloween-esque face with elongated features (the 2 black spots on her chest as the eyes, the spot around her navel as the nose, and the weird curved-shaped thing below her navel but above her skirt as the creepy smile)? Sorry, but I'm a girl who appreciates more classic (and traditional) types of things!

on May 21, 2012  DawnMackie  3,667 said:

This is a nay for me, it looks sloppy to me... She has a great figure but she can show it off so much better than this

on May 21, 2012  Charmheart16  3,985 said:

Definitely Nay. If she wanted to do sheer, she should have taken a few pointers on how to pull off the look from Charlize Theron that night who looked gorgeous in her dress.

on May 21, 2012  farouknabela  3,469 said:

This is a yay for me. Kristen Stewart to me seems a little bit "tomboy-ish" and its nice to see her playing with some lace/Victorian style dresses. This would have looked amazing if she had curves but she is trying and I think it's a delicate ensemble that's suiting to her role in Snow White and the Huntsman. Gotta look fabulous, right?

on May 21, 2012  fredamans  12,209 said:

Nay, the look is gawdy!

on May 21, 2012  Bren  26,046 said:

Nay...The bottom looks way to long it must be hard to walk in

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