Yay or Nay: Lindsay Lohan's Back to Being a Redhead

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday March 12, 2012117 comments

Lindsay Lohan was recently spotted out and about and going back to her red headed roots. Can I puh-lease just say how glad I am to see Ms. Lohan back in her original ginger 'do? 

To be honest, I secretly blame all of her recent legal woes and trouble on her switch to blonde from red. It was just unnatural! I think Lindsay has finally gotten the message though, because she seems to be back and better than ever!

(Left) Lindsay steps out as a redhead. (Right) Lindsay as a bleached blonde was washing her out and making her look older than she was! 

We've already debated whether or not Lindsay will be making a solid comeback and seems that so far, she's kept up the good work. She hosted Saturday Night Live not too long a go and while it wasn't her best performance, it wasn't the worst either.

What do you think of Lindsay's new look? Should she keep it? Do you like the red or blonde best? Is this a yay or a nay?

Let us know in the comments below by March 18th and you could win a prize!
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on March 12, 2012  LadyFlash  8,899 said:

YAY. She looks so much fresher, youthful with this tone on her skin tone. She always looked her prettiest to me as a red head. But then again I'm biased to the hair colour lol.

on March 12, 2012  Becky  13,128 said:

Yes, absolutely YAY!!!! I really hope she sticks to this!! I remember reading way back when that Lindsay said how she loves her red hair she would never change that about herself. So I agree with Alexandra, I think her blonde tresses made all that trouble. Hopefully she keeps the red, and the good start!

on March 12, 2012  Kagoory  1,784 said:

Yay, I like her being a redhead more !

on March 12, 2012  Lynn hall  3,007 said:

YAY!!! I think she looks much healthier, it gives her skin a glow

on March 12, 2012  luxx  2,176 said:

Yay! She looks much younger! I hope it is a turning point for her.

on March 12, 2012  BlondeBrittany  1,000 said:

Yay! She looks sooo much better as a red head.. takes me back to when she did Mean Girls.. I always thought she was beautiful then...she should def keep this look it suits her well!

on March 12, 2012  chicky82  2,625 said:

I really like the red, she looks like an old lady with the bleaching (it's not even blonde any more)

on March 12, 2012  MaryGorgeous  1,616 said:

YAY OMG I AM SO GLAD! I feel like she is a new woman! WOO HOO! I will be following her for sure now!

on March 12, 2012  beachbabe  4,164 said:

Hallelujah! I was so so so happy when I saw that she changed her hair back to red. I feel like this is a turning point for her and I hope she does well at keeping her life in order. She's a great girl who got mixed up in the wrong things. I hope we see more of her! The clean her.

on March 12, 2012  shagtownlady  9,255 said:

Definitely agree, she looks much healthier and just kinda back to normal with her red hair.

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