Yay or Nay: Lindsay Lohan's Back to Being a Redhead

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday March 12, 2012117 comments

Lindsay Lohan was recently spotted out and about and going back to her red headed roots. Can I puh-lease just say how glad I am to see Ms. Lohan back in her original ginger 'do? 

To be honest, I secretly blame all of her recent legal woes and trouble on her switch to blonde from red. It was just unnatural! I think Lindsay has finally gotten the message though, because she seems to be back and better than ever!

(Left) Lindsay steps out as a redhead. (Right) Lindsay as a bleached blonde was washing her out and making her look older than she was! 

We've already debated whether or not Lindsay will be making a solid comeback and seems that so far, she's kept up the good work. She hosted Saturday Night Live not too long a go and while it wasn't her best performance, it wasn't the worst either.

What do you think of Lindsay's new look? Should she keep it? Do you like the red or blonde best? Is this a yay or a nay?

Let us know in the comments below by March 18th and you could win a prize!
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on March 14, 2012  AliciaT86  888 said:

YAY!!! She looks so much more natural. LOVE IT!!!

on March 14, 2012  prettyrainbow  21,020 said:

Red hair looks better on her.

on March 14, 2012  pinksue  313 said:

Yay for the red hair looks so much better

on March 14, 2012  sodarnsweet  2,221 said:

YAY! The red looks terrific. Hopefully, it's a sign she's growing up...but we'll wait and see.

on March 14, 2012  Taylorrr  667 said:

Yay, she actually looks good!

on March 14, 2012  sinna  677 said:

LOVE her as a redhead. This is a YAY for sure!

on March 14, 2012  cole said:

I like the red! yay

on March 14, 2012  Devin k said:

Yay yay yay ! She looks so healthy and happy best yet for her as of recent year by far. Keep it up girl you look amazing for sure!

on March 14, 2012  shirley t  522 said:

the red def looks the best makes her look a lil younger

on March 14, 2012  LMOFFATT  1,860 said:

She definitely looks better as a red head.

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