Yay or Nay: Lindsay Lohan's Comeback

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday January 9, 2012116 comments

Lindsay Lohan and I have our differences; when she showed up to Kim Kardashian's wedding looking like this, I couldn't help but shake my head. Then, with her recent legal troubles and Playboy cover, it seemed her career was shaping up to be one big trainwreck. 

Exhibit A:

(images via justjared.com
Remember the too skinny, barely clothed and tanned beyond belief looks she was so fond of? 
Well, that trainwreck may have just come to an aburpt halt. Please note my use of the term may here as well, I've been fooled way too many times by you Lindsay. Judging by recent photos, Lindsay Lohan seems to be getting her act together. Not only was the Playboy cover a total career resurrecter, she's dressing better and looking healthier. 

Exhibit B:

(images via justjared.com
Lookin' good Lindsay! 
So, what do you think- will this last? Will Lindsay Lohan make a comeback and stick with it? Are her run-ins with the law over? Vote Yay for Team Lohan or Nay for Team No-han! Leave us a comment with your vote by January 15th, we'll randomly choose one commenter to win a prize!
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on January 11, 2012  cmo84  348 said:

YAY! She's not the only child actress to grow up, get into the party lifestyle, make some big mistakes, and then make a resolution to flip it around. She'll have to take some small steps before she earns her credibility back, but I think she'll go the distance and come out on top :)

on January 11, 2012  AlexJC  50 said:

I say- if Britney can do it, then Lindsay can too!!!!

on January 11, 2012  Dinah123  1,236 said:

Nay the public will have a hard time forgetting her past!

on January 11, 2012  SmallBudgetBeauty  294 said:

Gonna have to go with NAY on this one.

on January 11, 2012  sodarnsweet  2,221 said:

Nay! She's had some many chances that I don't think she gets it. She needs to grow up and fast.

on January 11, 2012  bumlingerkid said:

Sorry to say but no way!

on January 11, 2012  SandiAndHailey  1,334 said:

H have to go with a big NAY! This girl is constantly breaking the law that would have any regular person behind bars, and is getting away with it! She makes a laughing stock of the judicial system, and should nnot get any more attention and fame!!

on January 11, 2012  Jani said:

Eventhough I think she is a little too thin, I do love her style.


on January 11, 2012  Steffikah  9,295 said:

Nay, nay, nay. She's old news. She was a cute child star but she was and still is a train wreck in my eyes... if Playboy was her big break so to speak, I'm amazed.

on January 11, 2012  [email protected] said:


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